How can migration be part of the solution to climate change impacts?

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In this video, Dr. François Gemenne and Dr. Caroline Zickgraf explain why migration can be a solution to - not just a symptom of - climatic and environmental changes. They discuss some of the ways that migration can be used as a tool for adaptation and/or mitigation of the effects of climate change and take a look at one program in the Pacific Islands.

This series was originally produced by Migration Matters e.V. for an Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange that invites refugees and non-refugee students from all over Europe and the Southern Mediterranean to learn together in an interactive, online classroom. These videos have been produced under a contract with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, financed by the European Union’s budget. The opinions expressed are those of the contractor and do not represent the contracting authority’s official position.

You are free (and encouraged!) to embed this video and use it for any non-commercial purposes.

Editorial & production: Sophia Burton, Bernadette Klausberger, Frankie Reid
Camera & sound: Julian Van Dieken
Edited by: Karoline Schulz
Graphics by: Anna van Odijk
Music by: Justin Wright
German subtitling by: alias film & sprachtransfer
French subtitling by: Alice Falourd
Arabic subtitling by: Ibrahim Fayyad
Additional research by: Romy St John, Maya Richtermoc
Produced by: Migration Matters e.V. 2020

"Fishermen, Senegal" by Jean-Christophe Pouget is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
"Fishermen Senegal" by Paulien Osse is licensed under CC BY 2.0"
"Australian Volunteers" by DFAT photo library is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Australian Scholarship recipient ,Commissioner of Taxation Matereta Raiman. Kiribati 2007" by Lorrie Graham/DFAT photo library is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Workers from Public Utilities Board putting pressure onto water pipes to ensure they aren’t moved or damaged during high tides, Ambo village, Kiribati, February 2013" by DFAT photo library is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Carpentry demonstration" by DFAT photo library is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Map of Kiribati © OpenStreetMap contributors CC BY-SA
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