El Paso resident says migration is part of city’s history

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Lifelong El Paso resident and businessman Tanny Berg says people in the area can trace their history to other waves of migration and that migrants "were never here to invade this country."

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Does this guy know the difference between legal and illegal? Obviously not. He sounds like a fool.


That's when we needed each other to survive. More people means more safety, more productivity...etc. Now everything is so automated 90% of us can straight up evaporate and it wouldnt affect productivity. The rich is clutching to their wealth and the rest of us poor has to fight for the scraps. time has changed, old man.


After months of searching, NBC finally found the one person who voted for Beto O’Rourke for Texas governor.


Yeah, it's telling when the first "illegal immigrants" justified their being here by writing all the rules for subsequent immigrants. And for their slaves and all their descendants. And even for the indigenous societies of this long-occupied land. And now many among their descendants still keep that same hypocritical spirit.

The sort who don't want Spanish-speaking populations here, and yet I live in a state with a Spanish name, because English speaker didn't have the first go at it. 😅


El Paso and surrounding areas will always adjust. Yes this is a huge influx of people but we will adjust. I completely agree with him💯 I live in the Borderland and we can do more for these people and should as they arrive here. Anyone that has any type of immigrants in their family line from whatever country should not be talking bad about these people. So many of us are in America because of ancestors that migrated here for a better life for themselves and generations to come


So take in all of Africa and South America when global warming gets worse.
