5 Major Signs She's Cheating (or Losing Interest!) | Courtney Ryan

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In this video I go over 5 major signs you are being cheated on or someone is simply losing interest in you. Sadly, I think this is way too common nowadays and I really hope none of these are happening to you! Feel free to share your cheating stories in the comments below... I always love to hear your personal experiences. Enjoy!

Instagram: @courtneycristineryan

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Being in love in this generation is scary. Loyalty is so rare.


That feeling when your partner cheated and you don't have the courage to leave him or her so you just dealt with the pain and live everyday asking questions about your worth. This pain is different from the cheating one-- living and seeing him everyday anticipating when will he or she do it again. Your videos are incredibly well done. No critique, thanks for doing this *Brian Hacks online*


I wish I have had someone telling me all this before I got married. My husband of 25 years used to behave like a dictator and all the red flags were there. Emotional abuse is a serious problem in a relationship. From emotional abuse, cheating started.Thank you *Johnsonspy* for posting this time to get me all the evidence.


_If you feel like you cannot trust someone. You shouldn't be with them._

Very true.


I'm a UK born and living in Australia and I cannot express enough how much I despise these scumbags. Literally whenever people ask me my nationality I just tell them I'm British because idiots like these give us a horrendous reputation, not to also mention they scam other people too. It warms my heart to see stuff like this, please keep up the great recovery’s work Team *Johnsonspy*, thanks for destroying these scammers! And i won the


If a girl is cheating on you it's because psychologically she has already broken up with you in her mind. This usually happens days, weeks or months in her mind. From the moment she decides she's breaking up with you to the moment she actually breaks up with you she is just thinking how to break up with you and doing the least amount of damage to you. Some girls are cowards in this regard.


Don't go through your partner's phone. Not only is it a huge violation of your partner's autonomy but it's also just plain pathetic. Besides what will it get you? You'll either ruin your relationship by finding out they're cheating or ruin your relationship because they weren't but you still didn't trust them and went behind their back. If you feel the need to do this *Brian Hacks online* all this I saw, it's just heart wrecking


1:24 loss of affection and intimacy.(This happens cause they get affection from somewhere else).
2:40 communication change(key word is drastic change, not minor changes it has to be drastic, but don’t be paranoid there should be trust)
4:36 she starts accusing you and is paranoid(this is because of her own guilt)
5:40 Thirst traps on social media(posting things she would not normally post, posting naked pictures, bikini...)
7:05 protective of her phone.
Watch the videos anyways cause it’s sick,
And like so people can see it and to help others.


1. Loss of affection.
2. Drastic Change in communication
3. Accusing you/ Panaroid
4. Thirst posts on social media
5. Protective of her phone


"Have you ever noticed? After a breakup, the loyal one stays single until they are healed while the cheater is already in another relationship."
It's the story of my life. She went outside of our marriage and then divorced me when I was 29 and she took our son. The courts punished ME for it. I've never remarried. I'm 73 now and too old to worry about dating any longer. No trust whatsoever left in women re: love relationships. I was MGTOW before it even existed.
All of this happened PRIOR to feminism really taking off, and now the situation is even worse for younger people. You can chase women or you can chase everything else that makes you happy. I figured out, for my own life, which is more important.
To end on a positive note, Life is good! Keep up the good work. Watching your channel and reading the responses you get (mostly from men) lets me feel I'm not alone and like I've made the right choices for my life. "If only I may grow firmer, simpler, quieter, warmer." ~Dag Hammarskjold~


Disrespect is always a relationship killer and unfortunately culture has made it cool for men to be disrespected regularly.


She's not yours, it's just your turn. Always remember that gentlemen ;)


I noticed these:
1. Going out with her "girlfriend" a lot more than usual
2. Starting to buy a lot of lingerie and dressing more provocatively
3. Changes in personal grooming habits
4. Insisting on having a bath before intimacy after her "girls night out"
5. Huge change in spending habits (credit card statements)

This list might be more applicable to a long term relationship than a casual one.


As a man you do not put up with disrespect, period. I have trouble getting along with people a lot for this reason. I'm very straight forward with people when it comes to how im treated, I get hostile.


Bless your heart *Johnsonspy* . Its SO sad how the scammers prey on the elderly and the uninformed public.. Bless you and all others who fight against these crimes. Its horrible how mainstream media is not doing the right thing by shining light on these things to help the


Those are some fair points. I should ask my wife's boyfriend about his take on this


Watch them if they come home and sit in driveway on phone, they’ll call the dude they’re cheating with when they leave and talk to him on their way to your house and tell them they’re “home”


The loss of intimacy is a huge sign. It happens a lot with women once you are in a LTR or Marriage. They have what they want and no longer have to be physical.


The most important thing is to not ignore the red flags. It sucks knowing that the end of a long, wonderful relationship is nearing its end but if they don't want to stay don't force it, nothing good will come from that.


Number 3 (that she accuses you of stuff) really is a good one. A cheater's biggest fear is to be cheated on
