Why You Have NO Motivation To Read The Bible... (NOT What You Think)

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Why You Have NO Motivation To Read The Bible... (NOT What You Think)

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I’ve read that, when we pray, we talk to God. When we read the Bible, He talks to us.


The more I read the Bible, the more I want to read. Its the bread of life to me. ❤


I used to struggle with this issue because the Bible seemed overwhelming to me, and I didn't know where to start. 3 years ago I prayed to learn the Bible. The other part of my prayer was that, if there is a true religion or denomination, please direct me to it. Shortly thereafter, and still to this day, I have a fervent desire to read the Bible, to get to know Jesus and my heavenly father. I never found the one true religion or denomination I prayed about, but i found Jesus, and I cant wait to meet Him and to be in his presence for all eternity. So my advice is to earnestly pray to get to know Him, and it will happen. I am excited when I read the Bible. Every time I read it, I learn something new and make new connections to something I previously read. I could be reading the same chapter that I've already read, but there is something new each time I read it. It brings me great joy every day. Best wishes to all.


I drive to a peaceful park every morning. This solitude in a quiet car with no outside noise gives me the chance to absorb the word and to be with the lord. Its become such a part of life i couldn't be without it.😊


I’m going to buy a Bible and start reading it. 🇨🇦💝🙏


I struggle big time with both prayer and reading the Bible.
If I don't feel God I just find myself not doing it.. then I dwell in depression cause I haven't done either..
I choose my hobbies and Youtube or devotion and I'm so ashamed and lonely.
This video helped me alot and I'm going to read the Bible right now and pray.


Last year, i decided to focus on God 24/7. I ditched everything, that took my attention from Him - hobbies, Netflix, games, movies. And amazingly my prayer and bible reading took an about turn. I used to pray less than 1 minute a day and struggled with reading the bible. After putting my focus on Him, God showed me so many wonderful things through His Word and blessed me abundantly. I ❤ God. Thank you for your video and encouraging fellow Christians. God bless you.


It often hurts to go to a gym. You know that afterward you be be sweaty, tired and the next morning your muscles will hurt.
do so many go to gyms??
Think about this and consider how much better place the world would be if as many people would read the Bible with the same devotion as they work out their bodies.
Our spiritual lives need the same workouts.

Thanks Matt. Hope you have an awesome weekend.


Iike the analogy that i once heard in a derek prince sermon : the idea is that if you had someone that you loved dearly and intimately - a child or wife or husband or sister mother father brother etc.. and they were not physically present (whether in jail or in another country or passed away - whatever) and a mailman knocked on your door with a huge stack of letters from them and said "here, these are from such and such"; you wouldnt just take them and say "oh thank you" and then place them on a shelf or dresser somewhere and let them gather dust. Even if they were written in a language you didnt know, you would do everything in your power to pour over them daily in an attempt to know what your loved one had imparted to you. You would never stop reading and re-reading them over and over in a devotional way in order to feel closer to that loved one.


Trying to read my Bible now, thank you for the reminder that it's part of a loving relationship with God.


I've made a total of 14 trips through all 66 books and sometimes it is hard to convince myself to pick it back up, even though I learn more things when I do. Your point is well made.


As one who struggles with this issue, one method I often use is to choose a 'theme' or a character trait I feel I'd like to develop & grow in (humility, wisdom etc - not popular preaching topics these days!) and go on a treasure hunt through the bible for characters who displayed such strengths & scriptures that teach on the subject. Mine it for all its worth, extracting all it's wisdom & nourishment and, most importantly, asking the Lord to go on my journey with me, to draw close to me as I pray & invite Him to speak to me & give personal insights. No matter the subject I choose, this method has never failed to draw me closer to Him & to know His real presence on my journey. Blessings everyone!🙏😇♥️


This is why I say Let Go And Let GOD it's the Truth which is GOD that will set you Free. LET THEM SEE YOU JESUS IN ME. LET THEM HEAR YOU When I SPEAK.❤


Your reason for motivation reminds me of a testimony I once saw. Was years ago so not sure exactly where I saw it, may have been even on TV. A man had a dream where he was an observer in heaven and I think it was referring to the 24 elders. He said they constantly praised and worshipped God. Their motivation was when God revealed to them something about his nature and they praised him for how glorious it was. God then revealed something else about his nature and this process continued on and on. This tells us there are amazing things and revelations from God to last through all eternity. The Bible reveals God's nature to us so these revelations cause us to praise God which motivates us to read more for the next revelation.


After being born again, all I wanted to do was pray and read the Bible. The hunger and thirst came from the Holy Spirit, because He changed me from within. This desire has not changed in many, many years. We are His workmanship. Glory to God.


This is interesting, I just commented on another video about not being motivated to read my Bible and then I come across this video. I want to know Jesus and love Him. Thank you for sharing.


I need to desperately get out the city this is difficult but will help with my walk with the lord.


I just opened my youtube and i saw this video...cuz i was going true same problem of not reading the word and God revealed this video to me ❤😭


Thank you brother, I really needed to hear these words. Praise the Lord 🙌
