Moments before Scammers Win

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Scammers typically target the elderly and attempt to steal money by several means.
1. Your Bank Saving or Checking accounts
2. Investment accounts or 401k retirement funds
3. Credit and Debit cards
4. Purchasing Gift cards
5. Cash withdrawls
6. Cryptocurrency

Scammers are ruthless criminals that have no problem stealing every last dime from their victims bank accounts. Please protect yourself as well as family members who might not be familiar with these type of scams.
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Forget Marvel or DC - this guy and his friends/team are REAL superheroes.


Pierogi is the savior everyone’s grandma needs ❤


All media outlets should flood every outlet with warnings about these kinds of scams. There is not enough done.


My Mother, who never called me or questioned this, got scammed for 5 grand. What you folks are doing is wonderful. Bless you all.


It makes me so angry to see people say anyone who falls for a scam deserves it. NOBODY deserves to lose their hard earned money. So many people are ruined financially and especially when it’s the elderly, it’s so hard to get that money back and you need that money to survive. Scammers are evil people who don’t care that they are ruining the lives of innocent people.


"You're safe with me."
I lost it. 😢


When a victim asks who to believe…. believe the person who isn’t asking for money.


A coworker of mines neighbor got scammed out of $500, 000 by a situation like this because he talked to someone thru FB and they ended up getting access to all of his stocks too. Guy has to sell his home and went bankrupt. These scammers ruin peoples entires lives… and what you’re doing here is gods work. Thank you. Just found your channel and can’t stop watching. I’ve never been scammed myself but now know more and more what to do to not let it happen so thank you.


It really pisses me off when the police don't do anything about these scammers. Pierogi is the real hero here.


I walked in on my mom getting scammed on her phone the other day. Told her it was a scam and didn't believe me. I had her hang up and set up a VM on my computer and had her watch me in real-time show her how this was a scam. She couldn't believe it. I wish I had the resources and time to do what you do mate. Out here doing holy work.


The first lady being named Angel is perhaps one of the most beautiful moments that always gets me along with the lady who wanted to not be on this Earth anymore. Savings victims is what it's all about and being able to help them to know that it is NEVER their fault and that it's going to be okay is truly something special. You all are just simply the best. Hands. Down. The. BEST.


The scariest part is the lack of control that victims can feel. The woman who said " I don't want to be here, be around " is so profoundly horrible. The floating panic and anxiety that I have experienced. I get it. Thank you, Scammer Payback, for being watchdogs. You're all awesome.


Thanks Pierogi from the UK, and for putting tears in the eyes of a 64yr old man - who was scammed 4yrs ago and left just £5.00.
Great video !!
Fantastic work for society - much appreciated.


I am sat here in tears. Scammers took over $137, 000 dollars from my 81 yo mother. She worked her whole life delivering newspapers in the middle of the night to have most of that money. The rest we are still struggling to payoff because, once they broke her, they convinced her to open a $30, 000 credit line at Bank of America. When she got home from the bank, she called the scammers to use some of that credit to make a payment to them. They told her that tge card was declined. Further investigation showed that the entire balance had been cleared before she had even left the bank by a third party. Obviously, the third party is in cahoots with the scammers, but they took a stance that they would help her get that mobey back for a $1200 fee. She paid that in installments out of her social security check, which is now her only income, and her only money.


Pierogi and his team are the real-life superheroes we all need in this world. Keep fighting the good fight!


She said "My name is Angel" & I immediately started crying!❤😊


I can't stand scammers. They don't care who they hurt. I'm so happy that this company is helping people to stay away from them.


I don't know why the FBI or CIA doesn't either (a) hire you to do this work or (b) hire you to train their employees. We need to have about 10, 000 more of you out there.


A good friend of mine who was in his 30s and very intelligent, took his own life because he was scammed out of all he had by these guys. Very much like the woman in this video it completely broke him.

You are truly doing gods work and saving lives literally. One day I know you will achieve the goal of ending these scams once and for all


‘’I don’t care if a YouTube video is screwed over this’’ Bro, this only shows how much of a guardian angel you are ❤ I wish i could support your work more than just with views
