How to Make Essential Oils From The Garden EASY!

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Making essential oils is so easy. In this episode, I will show you how to do it simply with an at-home distillation kit.

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Don't throw out that water! People pay for that "hydrosol" as room spray.


Being a chemist, and a farmer, this is a long awaited video! Fantastic content! Thanks for showing people alternatives then the fancy glass chemistry set up I see all over the internet


The water that comes out with the essential oil is called a hydrosol. It has a lot of wonderful uses too! Hope people don't throw it away ☺️🥰 thanks for such a nice video on making your own essential oils. Very helpful for beginners.


I've seen people putting the glass with hydrosol and oil in fridge and let the oil solidify and then extract it, it is easier and quicker and you get 100% oil <3


If you are purchasing essential oils, please do your research. Depending on how the oil is extracted, not all are safe to consume internally. Some can also burn the skin- like cinnamon. Super important to do research!


Just a couple pieces of advice when using this set up. Try having the condenser rest on the edge of the pot. you are putting a lot of stress on the thin copper tube with the water weight. It will bend over time. The other thing this helps with is you want to keep the condenser level for proper flow down the coil. This will help keep it from spitting out in bursts


So you could basically build your own distillery with some things you can pick up at a resale shop and hardware store. Saving $$$.
Thanks a bunch!!


One of the most expensive oils to buy is lemon balm (melissa), because it yields such a small amount of oil. I have lots of it growing in my garden, though, so I might give it a try. Thanks, Luke.


Here's a trick a refrigeration mechanic showed me years ago on how to cool hot cans of beer quickly and it might be make your condenser work better. If you put the beer in a cooler and pour ice over it, it will take ages to cool it. However, if you pour room temperature water over the ice, the cans or bottles of beer will get colder faster. Essentially, what we made was a heat exchanger. The water drew out a lot of the heat in the cans while, at the same time, it absorbed a lot of the cold from the ice.

Also, you might collect more of the oil if you put the container of oil and water in the freezer for a while. Once the water has frozen, you should be able to pour or scrape the oil off the top.


If you put all the distilled liquid in the refrigerator the oil should solidify as the water remains liquid. A little easier to separate. Never tried it with this, but it works for clarifying melted butter at home.



2nd: Thank you for making this video about essential oils. As someone who's very new to this world it was a great introduction to the various uses as well as how to create it.
3rd: Your parents have a beautiful kitchen.
Thank you again for always giving us insightful and exciting ways to expand how we use our gardens.


Thank you!

Yes I enjoyed it. It’s amazing how much oil comes out from the plants.

I love my essential oil’s and I’m learning how to make my own!

Again thank you!
Especially the part about in your kitchen and how you made adjustments to fit your needs.


I could sit here and watch you talk about this stuff all day!! Thank you so much, this was very helpful


I use cedar oil in olive oil to condition my hair. I'm 56 with very dark hair. It stays dark and the curls are salon quality. I'm a believer!


Very awesome of you to continue educating us, Luke, even as your business continues to grow


I use a similar pot to distill oils from both plants and fruit, and for the cooling of the coils, i use a large bowl filled with both ice and water, and have a small circulating pump attached to the inlet and outlet, so cool water is always flowing around coils, the outlet drains into the sink or other container, and i add more water as needed. I also use water bottles that I fill and freeze, and put them in the condensing pot, inside the coils to make the water really cold. I find using this method, I get more oils extracted.


It is a good idea to use cork for the small bottle cap because it will last longer than plastic or metal. The vapors of peppermint oil are quite chemically active. I learned this from a mint farmer who lived next door to me.


Luke this is amazing and so much easier than I ever thought! I would love to try many things but I use lavender and thieves the most. Such great knowledge, thank you!


I’d use the distiller to make rose water. I was actually already planning on making my own, but was just going to jerry-rig a distiller pot with an upside down pot lid. This kit would work much better. Thanks for sharing! Now I know what to request for Christmas! Lol
Edit to add: I’d also use it for making my own distilled water, since it seems ridiculous to me that we have to buy it in plastic jugs at the store.


I cannot thank you enough for this video. It is simplistically detailed for a small, at home production. Simply explained with a very affordable distiller shown in use .Everything else I see on the internet massively complicates the learning experience. I have peppermint, spearmint, and lemon balm but O the plants I want to plant now and start my experimenting with making my own little batch of oils and perfume water.
