90 Per Cent of Learners who FAILED to Merge Correctly, didn't know this

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Im a bit poor ngl, so I couldn’t afford proper lessons from places (even though your prices are reasonable), but I passed my test the other day and all your videos helped me out so much. You are legit a legend for making all these, doing a great service to WA, what a great legacy and business. i’ll buy (and recommend you to others) ya a beer if i ever see ya 👍


THANKS..after watching all your videos again n again n today i passed my test in kelmscott


Thank you for your video. What you explained in the clip is exactly what I have learned from my instructor. I got my PDA yesterday in Mandurah. I failed it. Got 3 marks on merging from 1 lane. I did exactly what you showed in the clip but the excessor said I checked the blind spot so late, she said it's supposed to do the head check right after indicating. I said it's not what I was taught to do with instructor ... Unfortunately, they are not allowed to filming during PDA, I can't review for proofs. It's my 2nd time PDA failed. First time, just 2 weeks ago, also drove through same road routes PDA in Mandurah but all right with the other accessor, I got all good marks on general driving, I failed because of failing giving way to Ambulance. I will need to do my PDA again till I pass but now I got so much confused about merging ... when to do head check to be correct to the accessor ???... Seems like difference accessor have their own different road rules. It's unfair to learner!!!


We are to assume by this drawing that neither lane is the thru lane, and therefor both lanes are merging and require signals. But this road configuration in the USA is rarely seen. For the most part it is one lane ends and must merge with the continuing or thru lane. This places the responsibility and legal liability for a proper merge on the ending or merging lanes drivers. Not the thru lanes drivers.


@DrivingSchoolWA again helpful video thank you for sharing this! What happens though if you have to turn right into the merging intersection from the traffic lights?


Thanks for your videos. They're so helpful. If you're on a highway and coming to the end of an overtaking lane, do both lanes have to indicate when merging? I presume you still have to indicate if there are no cars anywhere in sight.


My instructor said that we should start to indicate in the middle of the intersection just before reaching the traffic lights. The merging is immediately after the lights. Would I fail for this?


Does the car in the right need to indicate left to merge?


I was just wondering about merging thank you


Lots of drivers in QLD won't allow others to merge. They just speed up and block you. I don't get mad, I just let them go and fall in behind. Not worth the hassle.


I merged to one line gave the right signal and he told me I was in the middle of the street....what? this test is ridiculous they can say wherever they want


What about when the sign says left land ends, should both lanes still indicate or just the left left lane?


my instructor told me that if the left lane is merging into the right lane, only the left lane indicates not the right lane, and vice versa. Is this true? my instructor said that you should still check mirrors and blindspots, but you only indicate if your lane is ending and joining the other. thank you.


who has priority if both cars are nose to nose in a merging situation? who has to back of? cheers

what if the car behind does not want to give way after letting the car infrony have priority.

obviously we will be forced to stop causing a stall in the fow of traffic.

