14 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Started Quilting! - Quilt and Sewing Tips

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NEVER DO THESE THINGS! Here are some tips I wish someone had told me when I started quilting! Learn from my mistakes and get more precise quilt blocks and better quilts! What would you add to this list?
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This video was awesome! I took a quilting class last year and the instructor was very strict about everything. It took the fun out of it for me. And she didn’t teach any of the practical tips you gave (except pressing and changing needle) that would have had me soaring. Thanks for making quilting less intimidating. Not everyone is looking to make a show quilt. Sometimes you just want to make something as a gift or for daily use.


Hi Kate, as an Australian male, 74 years of age, having recently purchased a sewing machine, I really appreciated your video on "... Quilt and Sewing Tips". I am soaking up as much as I can.

Also, I really appreciated your clear voice, well paced descriptions and clean editing.

Look forward to more tips, tricks and guides from you, for which purpose, I have subscribed.

Thank You, Peter.


Well done video. Thanks for concise instructions and showing many things in one video!


Great tips. The one caution I would give is to check that your precut is the size is correct by doing a check. Sometimes they are not correct. And that the sewist sees that those pinked edges are part of the width.


❤❤ your tips are awesome. I'm getting ready to start a big project - a grandson quilt and your suggestions and demonstrations we practical, time, and money-saving. Appreciate the sharing.


This was incredibly helpful. Thank you !!


Prolly TMI... When you press seams to one side there will be fabric behind the seam, possibly making the seam more durable. If you press the seam open, there's only thread where the two fabrics meet. That said, I still mostly press open because I prefer the look. It's all about choices. Your, "no rules" tip is the best!


I don't have a clapper but I do have a short length of 2X4. It works for me


Great tips!! I really enjoy your videos!! Thank you!! -Alicia


Your daughter has already made quilts?! That's awesome!


Another tip - if using material with a design that only goes one way, such as trees/houses/people/animal, and you are doing a pattern that wants all those cut pieces the same design orientation, then purchase more fabric.
For example I recently make an hexagonal christmas tree skirt, and most of the fabric had designs that are viewed from only one direction. This meant the angular cuts at each side used more material, than being able to rotate the fabric around for each angled cut piece.


I love this! I also wanted to thank you for all the lovely patterns you have on your website. I was wondering if you would ever do a video tutorial for your dog bow pattern?


Wonderful video on so many helpful reminders! Thanks for sharing such videos of sewing fabric and what you do to make fabric line up! I’m a person who’s sewn clothing and projects and I’m new to quilting. Love your beautiful and fun fabrics especially the Ruby Star Society! I don’t have much space for storing quilts so I’m making small projects and having a blast! I did my first log cabin quilting blocks for a small and square table cover. It’s going to be a gift which makes me so happy! I’ve always wanted to learn how to quilt and staying on the fun and positive mindset is the way to go! Thanks for putting out the great positivity and joy to creating wherever a person is in their journey. I got so overwhelmed by the rules and don’ts of quilting I did nothing for years. Now I’m having fun, practicing and learning and getting better each time I make something. Love to be around positive and encouraging creative people! Yeah!🤩🥳


I am surprised that the rulers you use don’t have a diagonal line corner to corner. I find that very helpful with HSTs


Some great tipps for beginners. Thank you. Mine is: you don't need to buy all those pretty but pricy things from all the brands. As a quilter's clapper I use a plain wooden block and it works just as fine


I noticed that when you press your seams you press on the wrong side of the fabric, not the right side. I was always taught to press on the right side to avoid a possible crinkle. Also do you press your seams before you open them?


All of these tips were VERY HELPFUL ~ THANK YOU VERY MUCH for sharing them!!! At the 2:15 minute mark, to the right of the iron rest thing there are 2 squares... I'd like to know what the manufacture is for the PINK square, that looks like miniature cheater's fabric with a quilting theme to it ~ it's SO pretty and would be perfect for my granddaughter's doll house bed!!! If you know please respond to this message... and if you do, THANKS, but if you don't know, no biggie :) Take care and THANKS AGAIN for these helpful tips!!🙂


Thank you for the tips and confidence boost. There are so many "quilter police" out there, that it makes a newbie like me want to duck and cover. 🚔🚓🚨
QUESTION: When I am using my rotary cutter, I inevitably start to run up on the ruler! (I swear I don't drive like that! 🤣) Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong? I feel like I"m holding it like every one else, but obviously I must not be.
Thanks, again!


You can use a smaller cutting mat on top of the larger one to spin around.


Great ideas. I went to find the cheat sheet but it said it was no longer available and error.
