How to choose the perfect camera

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So, how do you pick the right camera for you? There are so many camera options to buy that it can be very hard to choose the perfect one. In this episode of Workflow, Becca Farsace shows us how she chooses the right camera for each situation.

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You don’t need $2000+ for a hobby setup, you don’t need to buy a FF.


Saying Lightroom is expensive while recommending a 5D Mark III to the general public...


For people with low budget, sony A6000 is a great camera. Its mirrorless, has interchangeable lens system, and takes great photos. Plus it's like only 500$ for the body. Just get yourself a A6000 and a 35mm or 50mm or even the new sigma 16mm and you're done.


2 thousand for a DSLR not really, 1K for a lens not really stop scaring people


DSLRs start around $300, not $1000, I’m a bit confused by the amount of research that was put into this...


I enjoyed this video until she said that you need 3000$ to get a dslr set-up, that is just wrong to say in a video for "new photographers" you can get kits for as cheap as 400$, they arent super high res photos but it allowes you to learn the ins and outs of photography on a dslr, and for most people a mid range lens and a canon 80d or 7d are as much as you need and you cant really tell the difference with the super high end bodies.


Kind of shocked you didn't mention something like a Canon t7i or Sony a6000. They are way more versatile than the Sony Rx100 where you're stuck with the single lens. If someone is truly becoming interested in photography, the best and most affordable recommendation would be a entry level DSLR or Mirrorless with a cheap prime.


Uhh you can get an entry level DSLR like the Canon Rebel series for around 500 or even cheaper used and they include a zoom lens and a telephoto lens. None of this "need to spend 2k or more"


I don't get this video. It's targeted at beginners clearly, "you probably don't know what an f stop is". Why is she recommending top of the line gear exactly which is catered towards professionals? She says we would all be using Leca's if we could afford them, but then says that she uses a 5D and a Sony A7 which together can easily buy you a Leica. I'm so confused.


Great video. More photography videos please!


Need a tier in there* for micro four thirds.

*EDIT: Can't believe I misspelled it.


Wow Becca this video is soooo good! Every single time that I watch my camera gear box it’s like “ok, I have a problem, first step: find help”. And after watching your video... it’s like “ok, so I’m not the only one!” Please keep up with this series of camera videos, they are super great. Thank you!


Why all the tech in this video starts from around $1000? There are plenty of options for DSLR's and system cameras for far less money! Thing is, they will also support changeable optics and produce shots better, than a smartphone. I think, that if you wanna start taking pictures and learning a thing about photography, you better should start with those cheap, but powerful enough options and then, if you would like to continue, you could upgrade your camera body and save your optics if you had bought some.


You can get a Sony A7 mk i for around 500-600 dollars and it's full frame ;-;
I'd take a full frame Nikon D750 or D800 for around 1000 dollars and put the rest of the money into a couple good prime lenses maybe a 50mm and an 85mm.


I watched the whole thing, and I'm even below Instagrammer-level. That's how fun to watch Becca is.


I'm a professional photographer, a friend told me about "what was said" on this video and it was like "WHAT???". Then he sent me the link... ARE YOU SERIOUS??? This how you expect helping people to choose a camera???
This is what i got 1st advice is "go buy one of last smartphone"
3:19 this is not how we manipulate a lens... BRAVO


Someone who uses two separate expensive flagship cameras when the sun goes down clearly should not be recommending to the average consumer or even someone that knows how to use a camera. The fact that this lady didn’t even use a Fuji film enough to recommend or talk about speaks volumes for the validity of her information. Why does this video exist from such a highly reputable and seemingly diverse source? If anyone is interested in photography and wants to start out in the right place look at the x100 line from Fuji film first. If you want video than Sony will be your next bet, just understand that the power of your phone with a dolly mount or gimbal goes a long way.


Moar Becca! Such a natural and friendly delivery that make the videos fun to watch.


I use the 4 camera system:

The camera you always have with you: Your phone, for impromptu shots and things that don't require amazing pictures.

The camera you take out just in case: a small pocket camera like the RX100, G7X, or a small film compact like the GR1 or Klasse. The camera for when you are going out with friends or just going on a walk and might see something you what to photograph.

The camera you plan when to take out: Micro 4/3 or larger sensor (or film) interchangeable lens camera and a few lenses. This is a camera you use when you know you are going somewhere you want you take photos of or have a planned shoot/subject. The one you take out for "good" photos.

The fun camera: Something a bit out of the ordinary or unusual. For most digital photographers this is basically any film camera. For film photographers this is usually a weird film camera (lomography) or a different format than what they normally shoot (APS, MF, LF)

For me the cameras are: HTC 10, Pentax Espio 120SW, Olympus Pen-F (digital) with 3 fast primes, and a Yashica Electro 35 GTN or Pentax Spotmatic F
However the year before it was: Blackberry Priv, Sony RX100v, Hasselblad Xpan, Spotmatic F.


I'm glad you mentioned the cell phone cameras. They're so great now for most ppl. But the higher levels for the enthusiasts is great to see! Thank you!
