Agatha Answers Your Questions: Volume 1

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Agatha Mae answers questions viewers have asked in the comments so far about the Mica Francis case.

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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you Agatha Mae for investigating all of those in the JP circle -you ROCK!❤Warms my heart that you are digging into them on this case. This case is nothing but 🚩🚩🚩🚩 and smells 🐟🐟🐟 leaving everyone to question everything. By the way CJ’s Crime Concepts would love to have you on his channel.


Thank you! I really enjoy your break downs and personality!


Wow!! Agatha Mae! You are AWESOME!! Can’t wait till the next installment!


I look forward to all your videos !!!!


After following a certain body language expert for a number of years, and knowing how she thinks, there are many "tells" in how Agatha Mae's identity is disguised. I'm actually pleased though by what Im seeing, she's doing it right. Mandi would be proud.

There are also some "tells" that say Agatha Mae is super duper close to the target. She is finding details that only local people would be thinking to dig up. Its comical to watch these other vloggers who are trying to do "on the scene" reporting... but they literally dont know where they are or what they're looking for. My body language expert has helped me quickly see a LARP from a mile away.

Agatha Mae is NOT a LARP.

She's the real deal.

So regardless of her identity, trust and believe that she knows what she's doing and she's done her homework.

THANK YOU for starting this journey in South Carolina.

You have a listener for life.


Agatha Mae what a peach you are! Thank you dear and i cant wait to see every thing you do! ❤


Agatha Mae, i think you are doing an amazing job! keep em coming please! 👍😊✌️


Another wonderful video. Excellent work, Aggie Mae!


You crack me up! Wayne "The Pain" Miller. Looking forward to seeing that!


Thank you for responding to questions and feedback! We appreciate you!


What kind of sound Equipment do you use? You sound Great and you have an Awesome Channel!! That was great the Low Quality Miller Camera..He gives all the Millers a bad Name...LOL Justice for Mica!


I just Crack up at all of your nicknames for these characters...🤣🤣🤣


Love love love your work! Thank you for all your efforts💜. You do such a wonderful job piecing together all this information and with your own style which I really enjoy.


As a strong believer in Christ, I agree with the Bible where it says, “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God … 1 Peter 4:7”. God is judging those in the pulpit. People in the pulpit are called to a higher standard as they are supposed to be shepherds caring for the sheep. In my opinion, this man, a long time ago, clearly violated his calling to care for the sheep just by the things he has admitted to, not even to do with this precious young woman. His marriage vows with Allison, for example. Mica is probably counted among a long list of abused sheep, though hers is the most sad and deadly. Mica, in a way, is a hero, to all the young women who would be future victims. Hopefully this abuse STOPS NOW. Her Facebook post was a warning to many out there and also a testimony of her strong Christian faith. Mica, I know that you rest your head against the One who loves you most. I know you are out of pain and he will never hurt you again. Jesus is advocating your case, there will be justice, hopefully in this life as well. I love you, Mica Francis and as a mother of three precious daughters around your age, I can’t even image what your family is going through.


Thank you Aggie Mae!
Appreciate all of your investigative reporting.❤


You are phenomenal ~ a breath of fresh air!
Thank you 👍


I too played Charlie’s Angels. My cousin broke her arm while being “Kelly”- she climbed a tree to be a lookout and fell lol. Good times! Thank you for great coverage on this case!


All I ever checked out at the school library back in the day was The Hardy Boys :) Glad I found your channel.


Thank you Agatha Mae for all of the investigating you are doing and putting together for us. I am a DV Survivor, so Mica story has really got me very invested. It beings back horrible memories but it also makes me want to fight for her (Mica). I appreciate all that you are doing to investigate for this Beautiful soul. I believe God is going to bring all darkness to the light in this case. I pray for that. I take in all of the information and research what I can. I would be interested in hearing more about the Coroner Richard Johnson. If u find the time:-)


🍿🍿Fried green tomatoes. Love that movie !
Staying anonymous ads mystery. ❤️ it. Always keep it.
