The Depressing State of Destiny 2

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The Depressing State of Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is in its final year with the release date of The Final Shape coming around the corner soon. Im here to answer the question of is Destiny 2 worth playing in 2024 and what the new player experience in Destiny 2 is like right now. Should a new player start Destiny 2 as The Final Shape is releasing for 2024? 2023 Destiny 2 had the infamous expansion of Lightfall, and since then, Bungie has underwent changes to its staff and made major overhauls to the game itself. Should you play Destiny 2 as a new player at this point? Full analysis on the current state of Destiny 2.
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One thing to note is they have not stated that final shape is the final expansion it’s just the final story in the light and darkness story


I can tell you know nothing about the current state of D2. The community is in high spirits with all the positive changes Bungie has been doing & announced for this expansion. You definitely just saw YouTube videos & articles from months ago when ppl weren’t sure what the future of D2 was. Do your research & play the game!


Bro what is this video??? They never said this was the last expansion, it’s the final arc of the 10 year old story. Theirs still big seasons and expansions that will be announced come after Final shape. If you are a new person, you should play right now! Every dlc except the newest one (which is free on ps plus this month) and the last 4 seasons of content are all free right now. When final shape comes out, 2 major story expansions are staying free so there will be more coming out. I’ve had quite a few friends hop on recently and theirs so much free stuff released including new pvp maps and the into the light event. This video is obvs pretty clickbait and engagement farming for clicks sorry


Skipping over forsaken, the most loved expansion in d2s history is a pretty big oversight. How does one simply forget the game’s golden age? As a player with almost 7k hours on steam alone this entire video seems really shortsighted. Who is this video for? A lot of misinformation and over dramatization of things also being spread.


You shouldn’t really talk about this topic without mentioning about the Into the Light update. I would say that this did not give the best run down of what Destiny is like at the moment. For people who are new, you should watch other YouTubers around the community to get a better picture of the game right now. I would start with watching @Datto


I could legitimately write a 10 page essay discrediting this video, but I’ll just pick out the easy ones and blatant misinformation.

1. When talking about the game you legitimately skimmed over potentially the high point of the game. For someone who claims they “love” the series you just forgot to play forsaken? You also then never mention witch queens high points and community sentiment.

2. You complain greens and blues are out of the game when the community for years begged bungie to remove them. They were even removed in d1. Exotics aren’t rng because casuals complained they were unlucky and locked out of weapons. You say it’s a core part of the identity for destiny but that’s legitimately every looter shooter ever not just d2, but we’re long past rng drops.

3. Clearly don’t know anything about crucible. It’s always been about loot for both teams. It’s also always been class based and which is more broken. It was an issue in d1 with shoulder charge, self rez, panic supers, etc. crucible in d2 is extremely dependent on cheese of special ammo. If you’d have done any research you’d know that. It’s not in a healthy state and just finally started getting updates again.

4. New light is definitely a free to try not free to play and needs some buffering but bungie is now allowing players to skip it entirely. You’re comparing a 60 dollar experience of d1 to a demo. It’s definitely an onboarding issue that it’s shallow but comparing the two is shallow. Straight up content you can access, d2 clears d1.

5. You complain about the risk runner quest and Cayde, without following anything about it. He’s supposed to be a “myth” in the mission. As soon as you get back to the tower they match you along to his grave for context. The mission is written in a way where he’s a legend among guardians. Any game ever has lore akin to that situation. There’s also the caydes care mission that players are asked to complete around the same time detailing Cayde and his death.

6. Rambling about sunsetting in 2024 just makes no sense. This is a supposedly a video talking about new players experience so it legitimately doesn’t affect them. It sucked, it was a bad idea, but it happened and now it’s so far removed it doesn’t matter. Those weapons have been power crept and would be trash anyway. You also say you can’t get any of that loot but all year 1 loot is obtainable from the collections tab.

7. Destiny and bungie have already figured out the red border issue. Sometimes there’s random roles sometimes there’s crafting. It changes season to season. You still have to have good rng to get 5 red borders for each gun you want to craft.

8. Bungie has basically admitted they just wanna take the reigns off players and let them play whatever. Come final shape it’s full throttle do whatever looks interesting.

9. You complain about the story feeling jumbled yet you jumped around on purpose. No shit you’re lost. You can’t watch season 1 of a show then jump to 3 then back to 2. You then admit to not caring anyway. The story we’re following started with shadow keep. They’ve said as much. The game should have its story in game that’s true, but there’s a easy story to follow from act 1 to act 3 if you play the game.

10. You complained about the veil and being lost legitimately only because you knew it was a community issue months ago. The veil has been explained over the last few seasons, but you saw a byf video from March last year and ran with it.

11. Complaining about price in a game that’s on year 7 is just rage baiting. It’s a pricey game for sure, not new player friendly at all, but that’s the reality of an mmo game. Final fantasy 14 is the same way with a subscription. Cod is a 70 dollar update every year. 50 dollars for an expansion is hardly bad every year. Eververse does suck no doubt.

12. Using the layoffs to help prove your point is scummy. Once again was a headline you saw and ran with it to add to the script. No talk about upper management and the actual backlash that happened because to you it was a bullet point not an argument.

Overall you just weren’t the guy to talk about this game Chop. Through the whole video you say atleast 4/5 times destiny is dead after final shape and it’s going into maintenance mode and the team is gutted for small updates. When the exact opposite has been said a million times. Luke Smith years back admitted it’s a turning point for the game not an ending. He then doubled down last week. You can say the script was done but you then in this very video mentioned the guns are being unsunset which is an update we got last week, so that doesn’t hold up at all. Veterans are definitely concerned about the games future after the final shape, plans can obviously change, but this isn’t the end of d2. Games like siege csgo overwatch final fantasy 14 war frame wow RuneScape have stayed around for so many years, d2 has a popular backing and isn’t going anywhere.

Most, if not all of these issues scream someone who needed a video and cobbled together headlines and old issues to rant about. The comments are lighting you up for good reasons. It’s like you asked chatgpt to make a destiny 2 video. I love your cod vids, pls for the love of God don’t cover d2


Literally all the DLCS are free until TFS comes out and Shadowkeep and Beyond Light will be free when it does, we just got a new free content update, PvP maps, a Raid boss gauntlet, weapons that were no longer able to be used thanks to sunsetting are finally gonna be usable again and brought back and TFS is actually starting to pick up hype… Please actually keep up with the game before making even less people wanna play it in a time where the game is actually trying to heal 😐


Yeah this video should’ve stayed in the drafts


I’m a returning player. haven’t touched much other games since getting back into it. I love all the changes they’ve made and it felt incredibly easy to get back into after not playing for a year. This isn’t it.


Bro made this 2 years ago aint no fucking way you forgot that much💀 my brother in christ a 10 minutes google search can discredit half your video😭


Long time fan Ch0pper but this just ain't it bro.


You can't make a d2 video ragging on the game whilst only having one raid clear and that clear is vog. You don't touch the endgame. Lol


When a fairweather Destiny casual makes a terribly inaccurate and out of touch video during one of the most hyped times in the series history, you get this.

New players, there is so much free stuff to sink your teeth into that wasn't mentioned in this video. I mean, look at the comments. You'll see how ridiculous this video is


I don’t know if he realizes they are about to get a ton of new players due to all the free stuff and then final shape. People like me who got sick of other games are curious to try it out its a great time to do so and if we get hooked, ill be playing D3. And by all means, im sure thats what they planned.


The misinformation in this video is Covid like. This guy is so full of crap everything he says is just stuff he read on YouTube message boards. Nerds like this “guy?” are the worst. The only thing he said that is correct is that the poor ppl consoles are holding the game back.


Bro, what? The final shape is not the last major expansion, only the last expansion of the light and dark saga. There is still plenty more to come. They even said they are not done with destiny 2 yet


Every argument made in this video has been made thousands of times before. As of right now, May 2024, Destiny is in great shape. Lots of people playing and excited for Final Shape, even new players. Take a look at LFG, there are a lot of new raiders trying to get in on Pantheon runs. Destiny 2 has had its fair share of issues, but this video released at the wrong time.


It is dirt cheap if you buy everything on sale for the amount of content you get, 38$ dollar total for every DLC that's been out, if you buy it in the cheaper bundles. It's on sale at the moment. Only thing that's missing then would be the witch queen dungeon key for an additional 10$


Yeah this guy has no clue what he’s on about, probs take down this video and go back to the drawing board lmao


Hell man this is the first time I can say this wasn’t a great vid😢
