10 Years Anniversary - Fouetté Ballet School

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Raising the Barre higher, soaring with elegance, we are now - 10 years young.

Long and resolute the journey has been. Applauding the dedication of those who uprooted with us, spreading out into the enchanting world known as Classical Ballet. May the legacy live on.

The muse is within you. Seek and perceive, as you shall conquer.

握著芭蕾舞的欄杆向天空優雅地飛翔,我們現在 - 10 歲”

一路走來,這條旅途漫長而但我們始終步伐堅定。 我們和許多一起背井離鄉的人們,分享古典芭蕾這個迷人的世界,為它奉獻、為它喝彩,願傳承永存。

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