ALL MIGHT METAL SONG | 'One For All' | Divide Music | [My Hero Academia]

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Hey everyone! This week I bring you a song for ALL MIGHT. I hope you guys enjoy this one, I am so excited for season 4 of MHA to drop so I thought I would make a song to celebrate!


► Songwriting - Divide Music
► Vocals - Divide Music
► Instrumental Production/Mixing - Divide Music
► Mastering - Divide Music

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When All Might stops smiling you know your done for.


In an age where we keep getting Supermen with a dark sadistic or vengeful side, All Might brings a fresh breath- no politics, no dark side, only an unbreakable symbol of peace.


I loved the chorus so much!
"One for All
Coursing through as I stand tall
No threat will ever take hold."
It really is what All Might stands for ❤


The fact there is no All for one fight clips in this video is all the proof I need that an "All for One" song is in the works.


I feel like this fits All Might perfectly

You were never meant to be Atlas
Put down the world on your shoulders
I promise you,
It will not fall...


Dude, this is definitely one of the best My Hero Academia nerdcore songs period!!!


We need a full blown All Might origin movie


When the world needed him most, when he fought all for one for the final time, when he passed the torch to deku he wasn’t all might he was Yagi Toshinori. The real hero.


Knowing how renowned All Might is. A song like this probably exists in the MHA universe.


This song...he is not singing randomly. Every single more than 100% of his voice!
Edit: Thanks for all the Upvotes and pls keep the "cringe"-comments up, distributing cringe is my passion <3



They see me rise when all hope seems lost
Don't be afraid, I exclaim from the rooftops
Because I am here

So many battles I have been tested
I've never failed, never have been bested
No evil will draw near
Because I am here

One for All
Coursing through as I stand tall
No threat will ever take hold
One for All
Coursing through as I stand tall
No threat will ever take hold

Keep a smile on my face, no matter the cost
When they see me, they already know that they have lost
They know that they have lost

Hear the crowds of people chant my name
You're just a fool for thinking that we are the same
You should be ashamed

One for All
Coursing through as I stand tall
No threat will ever take hold
One for All
Coursing through as I stand tall
No threat will ever take hold

But I have doubts
I don't know
No, I don't know
A day will come
When I am gone
Who will rise
To take my place?

A day will come
When I am gone
Who will rise
To take my place?

One for All
Coursing through as I stand tall
No threat will ever take hold
One for All
Coursing through as I stand tall
No threat will ever take hold


I remember when I saw episode 1 and saw Dekku binging that Almight video, I thought "this guy's too good to be true. There's going to be something sinister about him".

Turns out, Almight was everything that everyone said he was.

Screw Superman. Give us Almight.


One day, we'll be in an anime opening.


many battles i have been tested
I never failed never have been bested"""
This line touch my heart





I got a chill run down my spine when the line "I have doubts" because the inspirational song just hit with a reminder that All Might could only fan those flames for so long and that song nails this period of time for All Might.


“To overcome any obstacle with everything you’ve got!”
Yea, this song embodies that for me


You just United States of smashed my every expectation.

Definitely becoming my favorite music channel on YouTube.


To overcome the crisis in front of you,

With everything you've got,

And to save people,

With everything you've got.

This is what makes a hero.

Go beyond!

Plus! Ultra!


I just love songs like this: Beautifully crafted for a specific character or series, but vague enough to be applied to almost any scenario that fits the theme of the song. For example, this song just feels so fitting when i think of the character/legend of Saint-14 of Destiny 1and 2. The guy literally was the greatest titan who ever lived; he went on a cruscade against the fallen in retaliation for all the attacks against The Last City over the centuries; this came to an end when he HEADBUTTED the leader of the House of Devil's to death! And after that, he went on a even longer one man campaign against the Vex trough time and space! This centuries long war against the Vex left such an impression on them that they built a tomb for Saint-14 in his honor. Its even hinted at that the Vex went so far as to repair the damage done to his body afer hundreds, possibly thousands, of battles over the course of his lifetimes, before placing his remains within the tomb.

And as a commentator pointed out, this campaign against the Vex came to an end when they created a Vex Mind whose sole goal was to steal Saint-14's Light and end him once and for all.
