Crazy renderings show detailed images of Twin Towers plane impact

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Discussing the Twin Towers and 9/11
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Something one must remember when imagining what the aircraft did upon impact is that those aircraft were traveling at an average speed of some 550 mph which is approximately 733 feet per second which is FASTER THAN A BULLET fired from a typical .45 acp handgun such as a Glock G21 or Colt 1911.
And materials behave much differently at these ballistic velocities than they do at more pedestrian speed.
Solids such as steel, titanium, aluminum, carbon fiber and other composites, even concrete begin behaving in very strange ways and appear and react more like liquids.
Even hardened aluminum and steel can appear plasticized and "flow" more like molten material.
So using conventional physics to imagine or model such an event simply does not and can not account for what we actually find in the aftermath.
Studying ultra high speed photography footage of an aircrafts impact into a steel frame and concrete structure reveals surprising results.
Also the energy levels were talking about with a 350, 000 lb aluminum, titanium, steel and composite projectile traveling at over 700 feet per second is ENORMOUS! The destructive capability of such an object impacting even a huge steel frame skyscraper with massively thick walled steel columns of huge proportions is easily underestimated by the uninformed.
Much has been said by the 9/11 "truther" community about how a "flimsy aluminum aircraft cant possibly cut through those massive steel columns" and yada yada yada.
They often site the fact that those massive aluminum aircraft are often severely damaged by bird strikes and therefore how could the aircraft possibly damage a steel building.
Nevermind that a bird, thats perhaps ranging from a few ounces to a couple dozen pounds of flesh, lightweight hollow bones, some feathers and a beak can tear through an aluminum and composite aircraft like a, well, like a bullet!
How is this possible?
ENERGY! Derived from propelling a MASS at very high VELOCITY.
In its simplest equation, ENERGY = MASS × VELOCITY².
Drive a mass fast enough, ANY mass, it doesnt matter whether its aluminum, composite or even feather and beak, and it CAN and WILL penetrate a much larger, thicker, heavier, stronger object.
Even a marshmallow can tear through a steel car door (ive done it myself in school) at about 395 mph.
Even a tiny paint chip can tear through a spaceship or an astronaut because its traveling at about 17, 500 mph!
Even liquids like water or jet fuel can tear through just about anything if propelled fast enough.
Just look into waterjet metal cutting if you dont believe me. ³yum
A bird absolutely CAN tear through an aircraft wing. And an aircraft absolutely CAN tear through a huge steel and concrete skyscraper, and it DID! We all saw it with our own eyes.
Now, the aircraft actually DID NOT "cut" through thosenormousÿus steel columns as "truthers" correctly stated.
But the aircraft DID TEAR through them, striking with so much energy they were forced to bend, snapping their attachement bolts and brackets and folding away, much like the twisted steel guardrails caused by a car hitting it weve all undoubtedly seen on the side of the road, creating that enormous black opening and chasm in the side of the Towers.
Now certain components, such as the dense, heavy and strong steel, titanium and aluminum landing gear units, absolutely possessed the energy, toughness and hardness to actually cut through those huge steel columns and beams but by and large it was the shear mass of the aircraft, its enormous fuel load and unfortunately, the hundreds of tons of the passengers bodies that blew through and tore through the WTC Tower not unlike a shotgun shell tearing through a cars radiator.
a single doubt and despite the claims of the intellectually challenged 9/11 "truther", YES! Virginia, those aircraft absolutely COULD do what we all saw they DID do!
And then we come to the again despite the ridiculous unfounded claims of the idiots, i mean the "truthers", also absolutely DID do what weve been told they COULD do and we all saw they DID!


Every time I have a meal and want something to watch, DG alway's had a video uploaded for me to watch. Love your videos man.


no messing around. no stupids intros. just straight into it. i like that about these vids.


Edna Citron had to climb onto something to be waving from the hole in Tower 1


Wish to see a video discussing Edna Cintron, who was on the 94th floor and was waving when the North Tower was hit, and later holding on to a column of the 94th floor until the collapse of the North Tower.

Also, alot of people erroneously think might had been Karen Juday that was waving, and whether Edna Cintron or Karen Juday was falling from the North Tower.


I remember the afternoon of 911. I live in Peoria, IL and we have what are basically smaller scale twin towers in our downtown. The weird feeling I had that afternoon approaching the city from the east and seeing the towers in the skyline. Seems like yesterday.


Kevin Leary, then 32, was a chef in the Greenhouse Restaurant at the foot of the Twin Towers. He was in the walk-in refrigerator when the first plane struck and heard nothing. He emerged 15 minutes later to find nothing but burning metal, luggage, aircraft seats and bodies everywhere – ‘maybe a hundred bodies broken up into little pieces. Just arms and legs and heads and everything. And then a body comes falling out of the sky and lands right in front of me. Just boom! Like loud, and just like breaks up when it hits the ground.’


Airplanes aren’t made to endure collisions. Except for parts designed to be durable, like engines, most parts would have been destroyed. The collision with the tower itself was mostly mutual destruction upon impact. Legit lol at “99% percent of the plane still being in the building.” No, most of the plane was obliterated.


These screenshots are taken from a video of the simulation. It's probably one of the first 9/11 videos I ever saw on YouTube, all the way back in 2007/2008.


I have always been curious about this. Thanks for the video


Hey Ginger, could u pls make some tribute videos about individual victims? There are so many who are outside the 9/11 community focus. Everyone knows the "big story" victims (eg: Orio Palmer etc), but there were almost 3k real people who lost their lives. Would be nice to hear you pick some of the lesser known individuals and share their stories here. There's info out there to source from. Every victim deserves their legacy to be told and you are doing great educational work here...just a thought


0:48 isnt even on 2001, but its definitely before the 1999 renovations of the plaza that gave it the pink and grey granite tiles!


Finally I think you are seeing the light, my friend.


Bravo. This is an in-depth tour of thoughts nobody wants to think.


After all these years I never considered the weight of the plane itself, or what was left of it was still inside the building. With all the holes blasted through it on one floor, as a raging fire weakens other floors below it, and then you factor in a few 100 tons scattered on various floors of the plane, makes me think twice about the nano thermite and ninja construction crews....


Aluminum or not I think the mass impacting and the weakness of a bolted connection of the skin trusses make it possible to fail. Once the vertical support of the exterior walls was lost there was no way the core was going to support the load. Although one would think the floors would just shear. But both cores sustained damage and it turned into a cascading effect. Imo


I honestly believe the plane didnt cut into the building, but the building cut into the plane, obviously the plane would have weakened beams on entry but it was the blowback that created the hole we recognise


This is just a Finite element analysis simulation of the impact of the airliners on the structure. It is NOT accurate, in that the fuselage is not represented in exactly the way it would have failed, but as a quantified sheet of material with certain bending, shear and tensile properties.
The cabin most likely was shredded like a paper shredder, but the key point was to determine how the steel on the exterior and core could have been impacted by an airplane traveling at that speed.
And this analysis proved unequivocally that a largely aluminum airplane absolutely could cut right thru steel columns.


I know for a fact given it’s nyc there’s overnight security or maintenance who had to be working those buildings that clocked out that morning right before that all happened, I wonder what their stories are


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