Trace the Past in Kilkea Castle Graveyard, tracing the stories in graveyards with Angelina Foster.

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Trace the Past, in partnership with Kildare Libraries Network was funded by Creative Ireland. Heritage artist Angelina Foster traces the stories in graveyards in County Kildare through the art of gravestone rubbing. This short film presents the old medieval church and graveyard of Kilkea Castle in Co Kildare. A site associated with the Fitzgeralds of Kildare, the old medieval ruin and graveyard still contain symbols of power, carved in stone of Ireland’s most powerful family.
As an artist and printmaker, Angelina Foster is inspired by words, stories, and symbols from Ireland’s past. Her hands-on immersive workshops, which feature ancient crafts including printing, paper-making, book-binding, and grave-rubbing, give you the chance to explore your own creativity and be inspired by traditional stories and techniques. Each artistic experience led by Angelina, offered at characterful locations throughout Ireland’s Ancient East, is an intriguing opportunity to engage creatively with the heritage, culture, and language of Ireland. Learn new skills with ancient roots as you find out more about our rich history and pick up a few Irish words along the way!
 Master traditional craft skills that will last a lifetime.
 Create unique mementoes of your time in Ireland.
 Craft beautiful records of your family’s past.
 Learn the stories and the skills behind the monuments of Ireland’s Ancient East.
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My moms part of the world… thanks for caring and sharing…


Very interesting. There is a short article in Archaeology Ireland, 10/3 (1996) by Jim Higgins on the mermaid. Lord Walter Fitzgerald's accounts of Kilkea Castle are surely definitive.


I live in a 2 miles radius I know the area very well if you could shed light on some things I don't know if be very appreciated in the knowledge either way


Very interesting. I would love to visit Ireland before I leave. I don’t know why but I always loved your history and folklore. Thank you.


Thank you for the video. There my ancestors. Lord walter was my great great uncle. My great grandfather stayed at the castle. Can't wait to see more


Ah v cool that headstone propped against the church wall is my ancestors peter bullock
