Trace the Past in Tea Lane Graveyard, tracing the stories in graveyards with Angelina Foster.

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Trace the Past, in partnership with Kildare Libraries Network was funded by Creative Ireland. Heritage artist Angelina Foster traces the stories in graveyards in County Kildare through the art of gravestone rubbing. This short film explains the stories and past lives of some of the graves in Tea Lane Graveyard in Celbridge, Co Kildare, Ireland, and briefly discusses the papermaking trade in 1700's Ireland. Huge thanks to Breda Constantin of Celbridge Guides, who introduced us to Tea Lane's origins and more famous residents!
I've spent alot of time in gravesyards over the last year, and hope to make a series of short films. I've also made a short video on Kilkea Castle graveyard, which will be uploaded Tuesday 21st December at 4pm.
As an artist and printmaker, Angelina Foster is inspired by words, stories, and symbols from Ireland’s past. Her hands-on immersive workshops, which feature ancient crafts including printing, paper-making, book-binding, and grave-rubbing, give you the chance to explore your own creativity and be inspired by traditional stories and techniques. Each artistic experience led by Angelina, offered at characterful locations throughout Ireland’s Ancient East, is an intriguing opportunity to engage creatively with the heritage, culture, and language of Ireland. Learn new skills with ancient roots as you find out more about our rich history and pick up a few Irish words along the way!
 Master traditional craft skills that will last a lifetime.
 Create unique mementoes of your time in Ireland.
 Craft beautiful records of your family’s past.
 Learn the stories and the skills behind the monuments of Ireland’s Ancient East.
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The gravestone rubbings will hang in Celbridge Library in January 2022. Thanks again to Breda Konstantin for her support and narrative for this project.


Wonderful how story and history of medevel times in the area are revived and animated through this artist's method - the monkey the mermaid and the gateway to heaven all just facinating.
