What's More Important For Building Muscle? Protein or HORMONES?

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You might be surprised that if you focus more on energy from fat or carbs, rather than eating huge amounts of protein, you will actually feel stronger. Build muscle with fat and carbs, it's a thing. Calisthenics diet.

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It took me a while to realize, but this is actually comedy channel.


Studies have shown that men on a low fat diet have suppressed Testosterone levels.
Studies have also shown that a high protein diet suppresses Testosterone production in men.
Given the fact that Testosterone is the most anabolic hormone in the human body it would make sense to consume sufficient amounts of fat and keeping protein on the lower end. In the end of the day having plenty of protein in the diet is no good if there is no testosterone to utilize it.


Idk man, the meat doesn't give me any digestive issues at all, even in large quantities. I literally have zero digestive upset from meat and zero gas. It's the grains and the beans that always cause me issues.


It is weird, but I find these Karate Kid gestures oddly fascinating.


Love this channel and all that this man does for my overall mood🙌🏽


VP you are effing ripped - just keep eating what you are eating.


Having enough energy to burn from food will help to keep catabolic stress hormones low. Whether the energy comes from carbs or fats, it's essentially preventing burning the protein you eat or breaking down your muscle via gluconeogenesis.


Fun theory...go with it till it hurts..


“This much grams of science in my meals”🤣🤣🤣🤣


Same here man. Same conclusion here. I knew protein to muscle ratio is not what they say. Here in India there are workers who lifts 100kg rice bags daily like hundreds of bags. All are jacked up. 99% of there food is carbs. Nothing can explain that. Even in our community who eats only carbs being vegetarians have seen so many men so jacked up only doing hard work and on carbs.


Hey man just wanted to comment on this video and share what I’ve discovered because my health journey with diet is very similar to yours and after years of struggling I have finally found the solution. Like you I was vegan for a couple of years and I absolutely destroyed my gut health and body. I made the switch to the carnivore diet and although things were improving (brain fog, eczema, acne and a bunch of other things improved) I had major issues:. Insomnia, nausea, constipation and always tired. I then stumbled upon Stephanie’s YouTube channel and instead of doing OMAD and eating over 2lbs a beef I started doing wayyy les protein and way more fat. So for 4 months I ate 3 meals a day totaling about 200-250g of fat coming from suet and under a 100g of protein per day coming from beef, fish and wild game meat. This made a HUGE difference: no more nausea, no more insomnia and improved energy. But I still felt that some things were just not getting better and my gut was so damaged due to years of binge eating and veganism that even this approach was just not enough to heal. Then I found out about a book called GAPS written by a Russian doctor. GAPS stands for gut and physiology syndrome and it basically explains how every chronic disease is caused by poor gut health due to a disrupted microbiome and a damaged gut wall. She has developed a very detailed protocol that heals people’s gut with a very specific diet called the GAPS diet.It is very similar to a carnivore diet but there are a few very important differences like the addition of meat stock and probiotic foods. I’ll quickly summarize some important things about the diet but I highly recommend you look it up on google, website is called gaps.me. Like the carnivore diet in the beginning you are only allowed to eat animals products. But the main difference with a regular carnivore diet is that the GAPS
diet includes lots and lots of gelatinous meat stock(this is not the same as bone broth, Stephanie also has video about it). The other major difference is that it includes a very slow introduction of home made fermented RAW milk products like kefir and yoghurt. I am very lactose intolerant but following the steps in the book I was able to VERY SLOWY add a bit of raw goatkilk kefir to all my meals and my health has just skyrocketed. It’s now been 3 months on the gaps diet and I have never felt better in my life ever. Every day I feel myself getting stronger. I know that we are not the same people and that your body is different than mine but I really recommend that you look up the website and read her book. It might just change your life.

I wish you all the best fortune on your health journey and keep making videos because they are amazing to watch! Cheers

Oh and if you are interestsed Mikhaila Peterson has an episode on her podcast interviewing dokter Natasha McBride (author of the GAPS book) where they discuss the diet and a bunch of other stuff. It’s really interesting to listen to!


Fat only builds muscle indirectly. Eating lots of fat gives your body a steady supply of energy so it will readily use other nutrients to build muscle. If you have an energy deficit, your body will break down muscle tissue instead to gain nutrients.


Thanks! Be healed in Christ Jesus of Nazareth.


This guy is finally getting jacked. Nice


It's pretty simple and settled. A lot of people don't need much protein once they have been training for awhile and repeat bout effect has kicked in and they are no longer damaging their muscles. If you are training in a way that your muscles are damaged you need a lot of protein for protein synthesis. If you are working out regularly but not intensly enough to do damage (like most intermediate people) then it is mostly just loading cards into your muscles. I could get more technical, but people need to just understand the science of repeated bout effect, how if you are not getting delayed onset muscle soreness you probably aren't doing real damage to muscles so don't need very much protein, and the structure of muscles and how carbs getting loaded into them makes them bigger in size, but not more in quanity which happens through hyperplasia which is what happens during "newbie gains"...


Oh, I'm still allowed to comment here!? Wow, what a gift! It's my birthday today. Thank you!


Your vegan diet actually sounds like it had a fair amount of protein.


Question . Water is negatively polarised . Does it mean food and water intake should be offset 12 hour appart ?


Thats why squats are the best exercise. Do 200 body squats a day. It releases hormones into your blood. Start off with 50
