Violence against women: the end begins with men | Patricia Shea | TEDxNashville

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Patricia Shea addresses the issue of violence against women, drawing on her research and her frequent talks on women’s issues, including testifying at hearings on domestic violence and racial justice and her editorials that regularly appear in the Tennessean newspaper.

Raised in Wheeling, West Virginia and one of eight children, Patricia Shea always had a passion for justice and equality. So it’s no wonder she found herself leading the YWCA of Nashville & Middle Tennessee, whose mission is eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. That’s a pretty tall order, but in her nine years at the helm, Pat has helped shape conversation on the epidemic of domestic violence, expanded services to women and children, and ensured the financial stability of the 117-year old non-profit.

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"Few bad guys"? This is extremely common and its killing women every damned day! I am one of the victms and almost lost my life! DO NOT underplay this!


I just watched a bunch of the TED talks on similar topics, and this one is underrated, yet it's one of the best. Thank you, Patricia Shea.


Year 2020
Expectation: the safest city
Reality: even leaving your house is dangerous


It shouldn't matter what gender you are, if you are being abused as a man it is WRONG
If you are being abused as a women it is WRONG


I love this woman. She needs to speak to every police department and at intervention classes. This is an epidemic. I never thought it would happen to me and it did. It’s sick and should be criminal. They still make you the problem it’s not changing enough.


Completely against violence against women. But men who batter need help despite the heinousness of their crimes. We throw people away instead of treating them.


Neighbors are the worst in this case. I've asked and yelled for help crying many times even in the night when my ex boyfriend was beating me up and I got 0 help. No one helps because of the concern to get involved in it. Make ensure to have
A. a no-abuser man
B a no-abuser man
C Don't let make it happens twice
C. if your neighbors don't help report them as well failure to assist.
People with common sense should intervein anonymously these people freaks me out indeed along with their indifference. Sucks


Sad to see so many comments arguing what gender violence is 'important' or 'who is to blame' rather than acknowledging the many great men this lady is talking about. All of whom, every man could step up and become. Great Ted Talk.


Violence begats violence, and I'm sorry, but we as a society cannot change unless the prisons are filled with them. Be it woman, man, or what have yolu


Neighbours and onlookers don't intervene because when they do, at least 7 out of 10 times, women turn around, save the abuser and frame the intervener.


Violence against women BEGINS with single mothers' violence against their sons. Until that is addressed everything else is irrelevant. Children are TAUGHT to be violent, and their teacher becomes their victim when they grow up.


From a Man: To all the Men- "A man who raises hands at women is the weakest man".


I think it has to do with cultural acceptance in general and some abusers have female enablers too. Depends how they were raised someone like me allowed to shout at my brother's and argue with them but not assaulted by them won't tolerate a boy that wasn't raised to be non violent with girls thinks assault is just "playing" with girls etc. Some domestic abuse victims victim blame other survivors too though female battered women's shelters can be awful places not really healing environments in my experience because everyone is traumatized there. Police dismiss concerns don't enforce protection orders what's acceptable gets redefined and violence is allowed to escalate you maybe only get hit once every few months at first but gradually that becomes a bi weekly thing then maybe daily because tolerance builds up to the problem and if you refuse to tolerate it even occasionally someone else may think your boundaries too strict.


I don't want this for my children ❤️ or future generations..she's right. We can't do this alone.but we can do it together.. men and women


I think you mean 'fraudulent talks' not frequent talks. Can someone please start a campaign to stop rain on bank holidays. The problem with setting impossible targets is that the windbags who promote the domestic violence industry, can always scream that we've not met their demands. The logical conclusion is that the state must do more, more laws and more control over people's lives.


For the men commenting, let me share some information with you. 70% of homicides in domestic violence relationships happen shortly after she leaves and he no longer can control her at home. We lose 3 women a day to domestic violence. Men use violence for much different reasons than women. We are shamed when using the N word or R word but don't get shamed for calling a woman a bitch. The amount of violence perpetrated by men towards women far exceeds the vice versa. This isn't feminist garbage but rather reality for thousands of women every day. Men do not fear women at the same rate women fear men. It is our responsibility to stop this violence. Traditionally, we are the heads of households and predominantly the religious and business leaders. 45 male presidents and 0 female. To say otherwise means to keep your head in the sand.


What a great topic that the world needs to know about!  Thank you for being brave enough to talk about this topic.


My daughter asked me "What did you DO to cause THIS?


having listened to this i am taken aback by the comments - a number of men watched it but many seem to have heard something very diff. wierd


Considering one sided (non-reciprocal) domestic violence is women against men, domestic violence needs to end with women.
