How we end violence against women and girls | VAWG | ActionAid UK

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ActionAid ends violence against women and girls (VAWG) worldwide. We work with communities to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls and create long-term change.
Violence against women and girls can feel like a problem that is too big to tackle. But we are making progress every single day. ActionAid’s local women’s groups teach women and girls about their rights and help them earn their own income so they can be independent. We work with whole communities including men and boys, to change attitudes. We make sure survivors get the emotional, legal and medical support they need. And we challenge governments to prevent and respond to violence. So far we have successfully campaigned to change laws around domestic violence child marriage and female genital mutilation.
ActionAid is ending violence against women and girls.
Violence against women and girls can feel like a problem that is too big to tackle. But we are making progress every single day. ActionAid’s local women’s groups teach women and girls about their rights and help them earn their own income so they can be independent. We work with whole communities including men and boys, to change attitudes. We make sure survivors get the emotional, legal and medical support they need. And we challenge governments to prevent and respond to violence. So far we have successfully campaigned to change laws around domestic violence child marriage and female genital mutilation.
ActionAid is ending violence against women and girls.
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How we end violence against women and girls | VAWG | ActionAid UK
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