How to back a tractor-trailer with limited forward space

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Backing with limited forward space is a challenging situation that drivers commonly encounter on the road. In this video, Bob and Carl provide a step-by-step demonstration of how to back up a tractor-trailer when you have limited forward space.

Please note that the video is just an example. It is important to remember the type of driver you are, the company you work for and the type of truck you drive can impact how to back up a tractor-trailer. Be sure to consult your company guidelines or speak with your leader for more information on backing up a tractor-trailer.

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This video is for general information only. It is not intended to cover all circumstances or to serve as a substitute for comprehensive safety training.
© 2022 Schneider National, Inc. All rights reserved.

#TruckDriver #TruckDriving #TractorTrailer #Backing
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Every time I get confident in my backing I meet a shipper or receiver with tight backing and it reminds me I still have a lot to learn.


Don't get intimidated with the other truckers around you when you are backing up a trailer. Just stay focus of what you are doing and take your time. If your not sure and feel you gonna hit on the blind side, just go out and take a look. It wasn't forbidden. " do not be intimidated with the other truckers " especially if you're new driving a semi truck. Keep the rubber side down strappers and stay safe.✌


I have a whole 4 months under my belt, I have learned that everyone else can wait, and sometimes they will even help if I am lucky.


Don't get discouraged. I went through the CAT program in September/October and started solo late November. I was always told one day you will just "get it" and I can say that's 100 % true. About 3 weeks ago, one day everything just fell into place and ive been backing like a pro ever since


I love that this video shows the truck backing from all angles. From the above angle, I’m able to see which direction he’s turning his wheel, and how the truck is moving. Excellent video for a newbie like me. Thank you for this.


Yeah, I second a comment below about worrying about other drivers. The first thing I noticed when taking 30 tries to get into a dock is... that even when theire in the front seat, they aren't even paying attention to you. Even if they are you provided them some well needed entertainment, or reminded them of their beginnings. Take your time and just keep truckin'


35yr on the road and drove for SNI only 2yrs but not complaints. Great company. GOAL everyone. Remember: no one ever hit something because they backed up too slow or got out and looked at what they were doing


That's Schneider for yah, teaching em the hard way. Even after 33 years of trucking I still learn something new every day because every minute of every day is different from the previous day. With that said, there is some much unused front space that could have been easily utilized to 45 angle that trailer in instead of a hard 90 degrees. Remember folks you're driving that trailer in reverse as well as when you drive it forward. It's all in the set up before you drive that sucker to where it needs to be. By the way I started my career with Schneider when I was 21 and remember their training.


I come from farming, been driving tractors, trucks, machinery etc. since I was 8, and I feel like Im good at it. With my own car, I havent had an accident since I was 18, 25 years ago. But backing with a truck trailer is just a different animal. Places changes all the time, room can be tight, and the space you may think you have on the blind side, is not always there. That took me a couple smaller accidents to learn to get out of the truck.

I drive different trucks, different trailers, long hauls, city, construction sites etc. Every day is different pretty much. Been driving for 10 months now, I thought driving vehicles was my thing, so I didnt have to go out and look. I learned to get out the hard way, so to other new drivers, know it takes time, and theres no shame in going slow and stepping out and look. The guy next to you may not, but he may also have backed to the same spot at the same place a thousand times.


I start CDL school next month. I don't care if I have to make 22 point turns. As long as I don't start collecting expensive chrome bits and lights I have zero issues with people having a laugh at my "Austin Powers" tight space backing skills.


I have been driving 14 years and my stomach still goes into knots when I have limited room in front of the dock


I'm on day 4 of switcher training at FedEx and I appreciate videos like these, especially with the birds-eye view and detailed explanation of when to turn.


Thank you very much, I am about to get my CDL and become a trucker driver. I have learned a lot from all these videos on YouTube


Always great information I drive for Schneider and a year ago I was going insane until I looked at many different videos and not just from Schneider until I got some experience and found a way that works with me… as I tell any new driver take your time, get out and look, and never let other drivers get to you


Don't get discouraged even experienced drivers use pull ups s and get frustrated in tight backing especially at docks and if you're tandems are slid all the way to the rear you have to give yourself even more space because it takes longer for the trailer to start turning the biggest thing I could tell everyone is to get out and look especially at truck stops


Being a yard jockey for 6-12 months will GREATLY help a driver with any backing maneuver I promise. Once you completely understand the way the trailer moves it will be a walk in the park. Your mirrors are your BEST FRIEND and set up determines whether your maneuver will be easy or difficult. You DO NOT want the trailer to pivot, that is for advance drivers. Pivot is for tighter spaces and you can only hold it temporarily then you MUST come out that turn immediately. Note…use all the space available when possible and if you hold it to long your doing it wrong, your going to over steering and miss your mark. Hope this helps anyone. Master yard jockey now driver 😅


I love this video, it's brilliant. I am 3 months into my job and faced this same situation the other night.
And I did it!! With loads of trucks around and a a couple of pulll ups or three.
What helped was this video AND the man on the ground whose eyes will tell you if you're doing great or about to hit something.
I know we should be able to do this solo, and, yep, when you're on your own - you are definitely on your own and G.O.A.L. is so valuable.

But sometimes, sometimes, you will actually know what to do, and have the confidence but with something in the way obstructing your progress. I saw this on the ground when a young lorry driver was trying to reverse into the back of Jessops in Norwich at night and surrounded by pedestrians but impeding his progress was an old fashioned Street lamp. I imagine many a truck driver has cursed that stupid lamp.

So this young man, had to try it again and again and again getting round that street lampost.

I had asked him if I could possibly help as a pair of eyes on the ground but he said he just had to deal with the street lamp.

He did it in the end and I admired his determination, dexterity and knowledge.

Am just sayin' sometimes you can be Ace of the Base but then gave to pull a rabbit out of the hat with knowledge, focus and determination.


Can not understate the importance of GOAL. I'm on my fourth day on the job (and already down for maintenance, friggin 2023's man...) I have been doing GOAL at every back, having a hard time getting it in, and looking silly the whole time.

But the only thing worse than looking silly is looking silly and hitting somebody's truck. Ignore everybody else around, you do what _you_ need to do.


I started driving a month ago. This is the only video that helped me and showed me how to do it properly. Thank you.


Thanks for taking the time, and make the effort to produce this beautiful, educative tutorial, good job, I like what you do 👍
