THIS Caused the Downfall of the Vikings | Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

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Fearsome, violent, and romanticized, to this day the Vikings of the Middle Ages command our attention. Even children’s movies have taken up the Viking banner. What do we know about their history? The legacy of their exploits? After the Vikings plundered northern Europe, what happened to them? A thousand years after the peak of their power, do any of their descendants roam Europe? The Americas? Could you be related to them? Tune in to find out!
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I don't think history is even taught in schools these days.


Thank you, brothers, for unveiling the overlooked truths of our history


I think Christianity was the ultimate conqueror of pagan Viking customs. True Christianity is always the ultimate conqueror of pagan cultures, because the mercy, light, and gentleness conquers the normal human desire to have a lifestyle of violent self- will and worship of mere human beings and false gods. Jesus said He would build His church, and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. He has, and continues to conquer hopelessness. One day He will throw even Death and Hell into the bottomless pit forever.


I was able to trace my family trees are Norwegian back to the 1500s. All were farmers on other people's land. Most of family have dark blonde or light brown hair. Lots of blue eyes. Great grandparents left Norway late 1800s for America and landed in North Dakota.


I am Angli from southern Jutland, one of 3 viking groups that occupied Denmark.


I'm 6'6" English as far back as we know. one of my Grandparents was from Durham, last name Teasdale from The River Teas on the east coast of Britain near the Scottish border. I'm The tallest in my family and I have an L6 vertebrae, I asked my Doctor if this would make me taller, he said about 2.5 inches more. Apparently 8% of the population have an L6, most people only have 5 Lumbar Vertebrae. L6 people are more prone to have lower back problems. I now wonder how much I'm Viking?


You all have answered every historical puzzle in the world. How Guinness!


We have been traced back to the Vikings in our lineage. My aunt worked in a research lab, and we volunteered our blood for it. We are mainly western European descent, but they found a rare Chinese antigen in our blood. So this explains a lot.


This fascinating research should destroy all barriers dividing us and unite us as 1


These videos go by too fast. Fascinating, thank you


tell how the saints CONVERTED the Vikings

... miracles AND ALL !!


Interesting, in light of the past 2 years (today is 6/5/22), I am wondering if there has been a genetic immunity to our recent "pandemic"


It pains me to say this the third time.I GREATLY admire Dr. Jeanson and his work, which is possibly the greatest “smoking gun” of history confirming scripture. NO ONE has stepped forward to dispute his work, which needs reach the masses. We need to find a different means of delivering this discovery. The work must be summarized in discrete, easy to understand 5 or 10 minute clips. Dr. Jeanson’s mind seems to want to recount the minutia of his study as he speaks, which for me is very confusing. I get lost in the details.
I guess there’s no way to prevent my comment from being perceived as a criticism. I just want the general public as well as Bible-believers to grasp the HUGE ramifications of Dr. Jeanson’s work-


The Vikings left all their relatives back home in Scandinavia, so most ancestors and descendants are either still there or all over the world wherever people moved to . We have our geneaology in Sweden back to the 1500's on paper, handwritten in old parish bible pages in Sweden today . There's no confusion as to who we are or were .


Funny, I have some red hairs and my hair is tinted red, my brothers all have red hair, and one of my sisters has red hair. My mom is strawberry blonde. And my grandfather on my mom's side is direct descendant of Swedish people, his mother and father still spoke Swedish.


One possible motivation for Goths and others from Scandinavia to migrate could be volcanic activity in Iceland causing severe conditions. Your video mentioning dispersal from the Papua area could be explained similarly, but throw in the potential for some colossal earthquakes (and tsunamis), and I think I'd be looking for a new home, too!


You should put the next episode on the card at the end of the video.


Northeastern Ireland, Northwestern Scotland, Normandy, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland....those are the places that my family are from.


I am half Icelandic. Related to the founder of Iceland.


I find the constant reference to episode numbers particularly annoying since there is nowhere a mention of numbers in the titles.
