Rust’s approach of getting things right. Pascal Hertleif

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Pascal is the lead of CLI Working Group in Rust project. He's author and contributor of many Rust crates. Pascal also is co-organizer of Rust Cologne meetup.
This is a talk on how Rust doesn't invent a lot of new stuff. Rust itself isn't a new invention, really. It borrowed (pun intended!) a lot from Cyclone and ATS. And that set the tone for the community. Don't let "Not Invented Here" rule your decisions. Instead, take something academic, or something good but unergonomic, or something just not widely known, adapt it for mainstream - and it's golden!
This is a talk on how Rust doesn't invent a lot of new stuff. Rust itself isn't a new invention, really. It borrowed (pun intended!) a lot from Cyclone and ATS. And that set the tone for the community. Don't let "Not Invented Here" rule your decisions. Instead, take something academic, or something good but unergonomic, or something just not widely known, adapt it for mainstream - and it's golden!