30 Most USELESS Things In Valheim

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The 30 most useless and skippable items and things in Valheim. Skip these items on your next playthrough of Valheim in my ranking of the WORST Things in the game.

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Saturdays 1:00pm – 4:00pm AST
00:00 - 30 Most Useless Items
03:03 - 20
04:17 - 15
05:46 - 10
07:27 - Top 5

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I bet this list is going to be controversial! ROAST ME in the comments!


As a player who absolutely LOVES building nice structures and decorate bases in Valheim while playing with friends, i don't really think it's necessary to put decorative items and their crafting materials in such lists. Yes, it's absolutely useless if your whole purpose is to speedrun the game while making zero stuff to look back into, but it's a pretty harsh style of gaming if you ask me. Devs made a pretty cool building system for a good reason. Just take a moment to build something nice, it's hard to stay satisfied if your house looks like a big boring cardboard box.
The fishing is also a very satisfying thing to do after you created a beautiful harbour for your friend's ships. It's just a nice little interaction that shouldn't be taken away from your experience.


I like the raft, sure, its crap, but thats the point. The feeling of going off on a fun, slow paced adventure in an area that will soon become utterly irrelevant as you progress is exactly what the earlygame is for.
Build a raft, cross that lake, you dont need a reason, the world is yours to discover and for now its a small, cozy place.


To solve both the circlet and coin issue, buy a bunch of circlets and put them on item stands. They act as interesting blue/white light sources that never need to be refilled.


You think tower shields are more useful than spears? the crude bow is more useful than a whole armor set? i would say thats Yagulth's power is more useless than elders. I think half of this list is you being a bad builder


Lets do a "most useless list" for every survival craft ever.
1. First versions of weapons, armor, and transport that can possibly be skipped by an experienced player.
2. Any gear that isn't META that come out relatively close to said META gear.
3. Any currency that you eventually will have too much of.
4. Any gear that is more expensive to craft that doesn't outshine it's alternatives.
5. Any aesthetic or purely fun item.

There ya go. Did your job for anything else in this genre that you may choose to do.
Jokes aside, you made some good points.


Ancient Seeds. FFS you only need three for the entire game and once you've done Bonemass you get that many every single night at your base camp. Far more frustrating than the bukeberries because they at least have a use.


The crystal battle axe is actually kind of great. I tried it in my recent playthrough and it made the mountains and dealing with groups of Fulings a breeze, it also has pretty solid block and block force in a pinch. The wind up for the first attack is slow but then the rest come speedily, the special attack is really great at creating distance because it pushes enemies back and can stagger them, the special attack is also really fast.


The Dvergr Circlet isn’t even close to useless. It’s great in the swamp crypts. Parrying makes armor not a huge issue, and poison potions are easy to make and mean you don’t need to root mask. The circlet lets you see and still have both hands on your pickaxe or weapon and shield. How could that ever be called “useless”?


i wish the goblins had to retrieve their spears after chucking it at me, kind of funny to watch if you get a bunch of em together and turn on some Three Stooges sound track lol


Oh boy, the swamp wells (...didn't know what they were called when I found the first one) were a disappointment. You see the torch marking the site, you close in, you see the building and think "cool, a dungeon", and then ... nothing. Sad, really, culd have been something.


Flametal armor can literally be the difference between life and death when mining flametal ore, one step in the lava without it and you are dead on the spot. Its still good armor too if you are a block or tank build rather than someone who prefers dodge.

I'll admit Bronze is better spent on weapons and tools rather armor, Used troll armor through the entire swamp.

Ashwood bed is kinda pointless I agree.
I literally didnt use pukeberries until ashlands when I accidently ate the wrong food when heading out.

I was about to call you out for the Skull throne until you said it looks cool.


Yeah... the circlet is a down spotlight... wells that are higher above ground level can save you from a sudden raid in the swamp...catapults can be mining tools... fireworks are for parties with friends... decorative pieces have intrinsic value... I still run out of resin... A list for people who live/playthrough in a very small box?


I do think that the elder power is the weakest power, but not quite the most useless power. It definitely comes in handy if I want to clear out a bunch of forest for a base or other big structure.


Oh boy...

1) Crude bow: If you have even a toddler's sense of ballistics, you will be able to hit a deer from miles away.
2) Tower shields. The bone shield cannot be beat at low level. nothing comes even remotely close to its block force, and it doesn't even require metal. It's practically free, and like I said, outperforms the nearest best option by a factor 2. Yes, twice as good.
3) Elder power: You must not have built anything larger than an outhouse. I'm going to leave it at that.
4) Dvergr circlet. After the belt, EVERYBODY in my server gets this second. Everybody. Because it's so useless, you know.
5) Coins. The fact you don't have anything to spend it on is not the cins fault, its the developers fault. And whattadaya know: Bog witch. *drops mic, exits stage left*
6) Resin. See #5 "Coins".
7) Fireworks. Yeah, this doesn't really have the same effect if you have no friends, or like aestethics. Your idea of a good time is sitting in alone in your brutalist bunker having mock talks with your smelter.
8) Swimming. While I agree that at level 100, you still have the swim ability of a toddler with a filled diaper, I find myself swimming quite a bit. And who wants to tow along nails, hides etc to build that boat halfway on your exploration for those 20 meters of water crossing?
9) Catapult. You said it yourself: Launch yourself for a great time. Not to mention a great way to transport ores, if you have it set up right. Your lack of inspiration is not the catapults fault.
10) Raft. Easily the BEST thing in the game, all things considered. You can traverse those pieces of water you refuse to swim in prior to unlocking the bronze age, opening basically _the entire map_ before you even have your first pickaxe. Dude...
11) Jute. One of the most sought after goods in my server. There is always a little celebration when the first bit of dropped jute is picked up. Unlike you (and you admit this yourself) some people DO have style. And this being predominantly a building game, you seemed to have missed the point (again). "Ain't nobody have time for that" Except for the most succesful Valheim channels, which *ARE ALL BUILDING CHANNELS* . Again, dude....
12) Charcoal resin. At this point, it is abundantly clear to me that this game is simply not for you. It is a builders survival game. You refuse to build. Obviously, you're going to dislike core gaming elements such as comfort or style. Go find another game. This one CLEARLY is not for you.
13) Ballistas. Ever heard of mods? Yeah, now they don't kill you. Ever noticed there are creatures in Valheim that also want to kill you? Yeah, so, and this may come as a surprise, the ballista helps you kill those and protect your sweet viking crib. But I get it, you don't have a sweet viking crib. You have your brutalist bunker, and frankly, I too couldn't wait for somebody to help you tear that down.
14) Bones. Again, a style issue. And you don't have any. As hard as this is, you may want to make peace with the fact that this a builder survival game centered around style. A core gameplay mechanic, for instance, is the rested buff, clearly indicating what I said just now: Builder, survival game, in style.
15) Bone throne: AGAIN style.

Bro, you are playing the wrong game. And you are clearly an absolutely CLUELESS normie.


Missed opportunities:

- Using fireworks as a weapon, Gunpowder era lol, or have rows of it mounted like a Hwacha which makes it a nice base defense

- Using coins to hire Dvergr as mercenaries

- Can't grow jute


the askvin skeleton gives you 1 comfort now


Me and my friend use bukeberries as a tool of war, we leave bukeberries strewn all over each others bases, and sometimes throw them at each other, just to take up inventory space XD Its a subtle tool of malice !


the differences in what the community feels has been useful to them and not to others is exactly why I love this game so much, everyone finding out how to play the game for themselves, and figuring out how they wanna play with the tools given.


Since ashlands I'm a huge fan of the tower shield. It only slows you down by 10% instead of 20%. Combine it with the ashen cape (20% less stamina to block and 10% less stamina for attacks) and Mistwalker (frost damage to slow down enemies) and you can block all day and hit when the time is right. No stamina problems. Especially when you encounter larger groups of enemies.

Bonus: Position yourself opposite of a morgen or asksvin with enemies in between. The morgen or asksvin will smash them for you.
