You Will Be Disliked! (ARGGHHH!)

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"5 Steps To Unleash Your Inner Confidence!"

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Topics covered in this video:
dr. aziz, confidence coach, build confidence, increase self-confidence, overcome social anxiety, overcome shyness, get more confidence, confidence tips, life coach, how to be confident, positivity, attitude, self-esteem, zizard411

#DrAziz #ConfidenceCoach #SocialAnxiety
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This guy should be a multimillionaire. I hope he is. Helps SO many people


I have been wanting such a video. I am trying to more authentic. I get a lot of dislikes on Facebook forums, just because I don't think like them and sometimes think of the bigger picture. Then people slam me for being a troll just because I have a different opinion. I find this happens a lot if you are on a Newspaper forum, when you get groups of lefies or right wing people coming up with exactly the same How Dare you Not think like us and they gang up. Last week I had a lot of this and it was upsetting and draining. But you are right, it is important to be able to be authentic and disliked, sometimes a lot


I bought two of Dr. Aziz's books.Not Nice and Confidence. I have gained a lot from applying both in my daily life and at work. It works if you apply it!


Its been that way all of my life especially in the workplace and I don't care especially after all that Ive been through in life. My only priority and worry at 40 is getting my life together and finishing my BA in college.


Your book is great and that guy that wrote that review is an idiot Aziz. Keep doing what you are doing. Your books have helped me and others a lot! The book isn't for him clearly.


Can you one day do a video of Being overwhelmed with people who dislike you.. I have lived and worked in areas and places where I get a lot of dislike mainly as I have different things in common. It is very draining and overwhelming being in an area, where people just don't understand and get you. For example, can be be the only gay or athiest in the village, and if you have anti gay or very religious village, you just don't fit in. Some times it hard to move, so you are just stuck there, with all this shunning etc or people just wanting a fight and all you have is different believes and values etc. Being disliked a lot is depressing.


My girlfriend told me that Prince didnt care if he had enemies or not and I shouldnt either and Prince was the BIGGEST inspiration of my entire life. He didnt give NEGATIVITY nor STRIFE the time of the day and I need to be more like THAT.


Hi Aziz.
I have another story to tell you, this happened in April.
I went to donate blood for the first time.When i got there, i asked a girl to hold my hand while i donate blood and she accepted.She hold my hand for about 5 minutes and she stayed with me for about 30 minutes.When i was leaving that place, she grabbed my forearm because she tought i was into her :)).There was people who laughed at me but i didn't gave a fuck.


Thank you, Aziz. This is perspective that we all need in the "review world" we now inhabit. The alternative is to hide under a rock and never put yourself or your ideas out there - that's not living! Rock on....


Bro your perspective about life is always sound and genuinely good. As you mean, in some dimension, no matter whoever I am there's gonna be 'likers and dislikers' as always but your impressive emphasis is not caring whether I should speak or act to be liked or not BUT on IMPORTANCE OF BEING MINDFUL TRUE SELF OR SELF AUTHENTIC...needless to say, as a sociology honours student, I sometime was heavily impacted with what were wrong, during deep ananysis of different societies and I as usual found it also truely amazing on how you put your long earned perspective for us.


Thank you so much for all your good work. You are helping so many people. I am very grateful for all your videos. Please continue all your good work. We are all being helped from you. And the haters out there have to be ignored.


Haven't read the book but hearing about how happy you are with yourself these days (which is partly due to your wife) gives me a lot of hope. Can't wait to buy it soon!


Dr. Aziz, this used to be my biggest struggle 😪 😢 😭

Because I just didn't understand that its not personal

Sometimes if we just look at others who are hateful with compassion you find that its not about you but them.... truly.

Theres no need to carry negative energy around or even care when you understand that simple concept.


Not to mention how easy it is to leave a nasty negative review when you're hiding behind a computer. I highly doubt this person would ever say those words to you face to face, especially with such a personal attack (mentioning your wife and kids.)
Just keep up doing what you're doing cuz it seems like everyone here on YT loves and appreciates you and your content!


Dr. Aziz - I really believe that you were channeling some higher force when you wrote "Not Nice". It is so good that it's beyond words. You must have spent a TON of time writing it. Thank you for bringing that book into the world. I can't wait to buy your next book. What is it about and when will it be released? :-)


Hey Dr Aziz! You have helped me a lot but I seem to be struggling. People seem to like hanging out with me (I make them laugh, we share stories and jokes, opinions, thoughts, etc.) but it seems that 99% of them don't stick. It's very rare I get invited to anything, and sometimes if we agree to meet the next day, they will often not answer my calls. How do I avoid turning into extreme self-hatred, mentally replaying the interactions thousands of times, and getting extremely jealous at other people who ARE sought out and invited to things? Thank you!


I feel sympathy for the person who wrote the letter, there is so much anger, hate, fear and only if he would use this energy to focus on making himself better he would have the solution to his own torment.


I've been following Dr.Aziz since 2017. He changed my life!


The irony of him reading a book of how to be “not nice” yet calling you a fuck face haha the books awesome bro!


I run a Hvac company. And I get absorbed by the one star reviews. I needed this thank you
