This Spider Will CURE Your Arachnophobia - The Garden Spider

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Ever wondered what the best way to cure your arachnophobia was? Well, in this video I'll share the exact spider that set me on my path to curing my arachnophobia- the yellow garden spider!

Here at MyWildBackyard we investigate the secrets of the natural world- secrets that can be hidden in our very own backyards! I want to share the incredible world of insects, spiders and other wildlife with you and inspire you to explore your curiosity. Get out there, and find your adventure!

For those who read the description- we've updated the channel! I'm working on adding more features to videos to better expand our conversations about the secrets we find in the natural world! Introducing the Creature Tier System! There are four rankings:
1. Staple - These are the lowest tier creatures. They are the most common species in a given habitat, and while they're not boring, they're really only exciting when you're exploring a new habitat and you haven't seen them before. Not something to write home about.
2. Neat - These are a step up from Staple. They don't make your entire day, but they are worth taking a closer look at when found. Definitely can be exciting to have a productive day finding many Neat species.
3. Wild - These are exciting to find. Whether they have interesting defensive features that offer a nice challenge in the field, are particularly cool looking, or maybe a little bit rare, Wild species aren't necessarily the MOST memorable of encounters, but they definitely make your day when you see them. An adventure featuring many Wild species will truly be memorable.
4. Gem - These are special. Usually involving extremely interesting biology and significant rarity, Gem species are animals that you really do not see every day. These species can make your whole adventure, and will be very memorable.

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

#arachnophobia #spiders
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"The more we push past fear, the more rich and fascinating the world becomes" is such a great line that can apply to more than just Spiders and the natural world. Great quote, definitely going to remember that from now on. ❤


One of the best backyard pets you could have.


Until you're walking in the woods and not noticing the big web and it's all on your face and you're wondering where did the spider go😮😢


Wow! It didn't occur to me that golden garden spiders are actually great at curing arachnophobia! It's so cool that you had this help cure your arachnophobia, a great first spider :)


As kids I used to see these spiders everywhere but now as an adult I rarely see them anymore. We'd catch em and feed them. When they bounce their webs they can be intimidating but I found they're pretty friendly overall for their size.


I haven't handled any spider other than jumping spiders, the garden spider & the golden orb Weaver are the spiders that broke my arachnophobia. Such amazing creatures with personalities all their own
Blessings fam 🫀


It’s funny to hear that a spider that was pretty instrumental in myself fearing them, had the opposite effect on someone. Your jumping spider videos helped me overcome that and now I’m more open to handling them if not still a little squeamish, but to hear the way you talk about taking the time to understand them and how they operate to further your passion for exploring things like nature, animals and insects alike, it’s incredibly inspiring and I’m always appreciative to see the new creature you want to show off. Much love to you and your future adventures❤️


As a kid, I always thought that these garden spiders were very cool. My dad said that they were good for the garden, & to leave them alone, like you explained. Thanks for the memories.


I moved into a new house back in 1986 and I couldn't find any of the yellow garden spiders for several months. My mosquito problem was TERRIBLE. The orb weavers spiders will remove their webs every day and build a fresh one. During the spring, I saw a few yellow garden spiders where I worked, so I made plans to capture some and transport them to my house. Five years later and I still had a huge population of them around the house. Every day, the webs would be FURRY with dead mosquitos! My mosquito problem also was reduced to about nothing over a couple of years, so the spiders really did their job!


The other day at work there was a wolf spider than decided to run straight across the floor in front of two of my department managers, who are both arachnophobes. They both freaked out and started silent screaming while backing into the corner of the desk. My coworker was about to stomp on it but I put my hand down in front of the spider, stole it up onto my wrist, and walked out the side door to let it crawl onto a outside railing. The looks I got when I came back in and the "You're f**ing crazy" I got from my department manager is something I won't be forgetting for a while. Thanks Spencer for these videos! Keep up the good work :)


I also had arachnophobia, until I joined a spider group on FB. I finally started educating myself and realized how cool and misunderstood they are! I always have my spider catching cup handy instead of a flyswatter for when they wander in the house. I've only held a few tiny ones though 😅


We had one of these in our school garden for weeks, and the kids got used to seeing it every day. It was a great way to talk about how cool it looked and how important it was for our garden. Then one day we had a hurricane come through and it was gone. :( We were sad but I'm glad the children were able to become accustomed to seeing it.


It's been amazing watching Spencer move through his process of working with Spiders. It's a treat to see an Orb Weaver, I haven't seen any this year in Texas, the weather is just to hot and too dry, I hope to see them in the Fall when we get some more rain. They really are beautiful and beneficial creatures. 🕸


I love wolfspiders, orb weaver, and jumping spiders. You've shown me a new world that you shouldn't fear these spiders. I love your videos and I love that I no longer am afraid of them. Thank you.


Honestly, I've never considered free handling spiders before because they freaked me out. I would actually go out of my way to kill these garden spiders down in south Louisiana. After watching this video, I feel bad for doing that but also kinda want to try to handle it and cure my fear. Your channel has really opened my eyes to the world of spiders and other insects. Thanks man❤️


What a sweet girl! She was so cooperative (as always, thanks in part to your careful handling).
Interestingly enough, this was one of the first spiders that really intrigued me, even back when I was arachnophobic! That zig-zag pattern of silk in their webs was so cool to me, along with those bright colors. Great video!


Always love orb weavers, and the garden spider is always one of the easiest to stumble across.
They’re just so cool and elegant looking and their webs have such a fascinating design to them.


My first time seeing one, the size and coloration freaked me out! But now a welcome guest in the yard, and I love feeding and interacting with them.


They are absolutely gorgeous spiders, and one of my favorites! Mirror spiders and banana spiders are really pretty too.
