My Next Book

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In which John gets a bit more personal than usual in contemplating why he hasn't published a novel in six years and counting, and why he's writing other stuff instead.

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Can't believe John went from "How will we ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering?" to suffering from a disease called labyrinthitis


I love that John is able to show how not only he's grown as an author, but a whole person. It makes change a lot less scary


"I am aware there's not a massive audience out there waiting for a book on tuberculosis" - it may not be massive, but I can certainly think of an audience who'd be interested in reading what you have to say whenever you share it! 😄 glad you're enjoying writing it!


The Anthropocene Reviewed contained some of my favorite writing from you that I’d ever come across, so if the new material is anything like that I’m all for it!!


John: “i’m aware there’s not a massive audience of people out there waiting for a book about tuberculosis”
Johns entire audience: *patiently waiting for book about tuberculosis*😢


I picked up The Anthropocene Reviewed in a Target while waiting for my wife to shop. Scanning the table of contents, I decided to read the essay "Googling Strangers". Little did I know what I was in for, especially being a father of a young daughter probably around the age of the subject of that essay.

Good job, John. You managed to make a 30 year old man openly weep in a Target aisle (queue awkward onlookers) and somehow made me see the bright side in the loss of privacy that we've experienced in this digital age at the same time. I left that Target that day with your book in hand.

Just finished the entirety of The Anthropocene Reviewed last night. Any future book you publish will certainly get a read from me.


Turtles All The Way Down being 7 years ago is still unbelievable, I’ve loved that book so much and I still reread it, thank you for giving it to us ❤


I'm so jazzed about the fact that John's retirement was just him streamlining and essentializing, it makes me feel better about not having "grand" ambitions


I’m already looking forward to The Antropocene Reviewed 2, which contains a single 0 star 300+ page review of tuberculosis

(Btw an interesting fact: ‘Tering’ is a very popular Dutch curse word, which originally means tuberculosis but nobody recognises it anymore as such and everybody thinks that the disease it references has been wiped out. So it’s often seen as a ‘milder’ curse word than ‘kanker’, which means what you think it does. )


I was getting the kids ready for school this morning and I noticed my daughter checked The Fault in Our Stars out from the library, completely unaware that John and Hank Green were the two dudes I watched routinely on YouTube as we all got ready to go. It was such a profoundly awesome experience to be able to explain both of your stories with cancer, tuberculosis, Nerdfighteria, Sci Show, Esther, Henry, just all of it. I've never been super active in the community, but I watch your videos because they make me feel hope and humanity more than anything else. I just wanted to say thank you for having impact on our little family. I hope you know that even when you're not working on one thing or another, you make an immeasurable impact on many worlds, big and small.


What a retirement its been! I think it's been enormously productive, as retirements go. Lets keep saving lives together! Can't wait to read/hear whatever you've got coming down the pipeline.


john!! i’m reading The Anthropocene Reviewed right now and it’s so sweet and lovely. it’s made me appreciate the beauty of humanity a bit more.


As a college student who has had labyrinthitis I can confirm it really sucks. I really love hearing you talk about how and why your writing has pivoted, John. DFTBA.


Quite frankly, John could write a book about shoelaces and I would read it cover to cover in one day. I’m happy to think I’ll eventually have the chance to read your passionate work again 🤍


May I just say John Green is an inspiration, him and his brother helped me to drive to be a better person, and to hear that Jon is writing again has made me over the moon, keep at it!


I love this idea of “retirement” being just recalibrating your priorities and figuring out how you could orient your life/capacities/resources in a healthy and balanced way for yourself and your loved ones, towards making the world better as best you can, as opposed to just being done working/earning an income. Like, obviously that’s a large part of it in your case, and it’s a privilege to be able to recenter in this way (though it sucks labrynthitis brought this all on), but kind of challenges the whole “I’m going to retire at __ years old so I have Money to Do Things” discourse. I dunno. Regardless, very glad you’re using your retirement well!


Hot take: I actually prefer John's nonfiction to his novels. The Anthropocene Reviewed is one of my all-time favorite books of any genre, and trust me when I say that I will 100% get this new book day 1.


As a teen reader of the most popular John Green novels turned adult public health professional, I have been waiting with a high level of anticipation for John’s tuberculosis book since John started talking a lot about tuberculosis. And I love and appreciate this background!


The anthropocene reviewed is one of my fav books (and one of the books I go out of my way to handsell as a bookseller). I’m so excited to see what comes next


FYI: "The Black Angels: The Untold Story of the Nurses Who Helped Cure Tuberculosis" by Maria Smilios came out in September!
