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Can you have a meaningful life without an afterlife? I asked several friends to join me in exploring the merits of human existence and the concepts of posthumous reward and punishment. It is my hope that this video will answer religious claims that a secular life is meaningless and void and remind us all to cherish our precious and temporary tenure on planet earth.

My deepest thanks to AronRa, DarkMatter2525, DPRJones, Evid3nce, HealthyAddict, Laci Green, Thunderf00t and ZOMGitsCriss for their contributions to this project. I also encourage you to subscribe to their channels and support their work, and I've provided links here (in alphabetical order). All my best. -Seth Andrews





Healthy Addict

Laci Green

Matt Dillahunty

Seth Andrews


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“Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist.”

Epicurus :)


Atheism is so much more practical. No groveling, no wondering is this alleged god will answer your prayer, no twisting in the wind, no constant disappointments. Just being the best person you can be and being ethical and sane.


Years ago, this video actually helped me out of my plan to kill myself. I come back 6 years later and it still instills this powerful, motivating, encouraging and positive appreciation of life from a standpoint that not many people in our day to day lives talk about. I was suicidal for many years and the PTSD and major depression I had shoved me into the gravel consistently and made me believe there was no reason to life. I didnt even care what would happen afterwards, whether God or who ever it is up there would punish me for eternity or I would be saved, or I would just not exist. But this video wasnt so much of the debate about what happens after death, rather, what goes on in life that we so habitually disregard. This video helps me so unbelievably much. Thank you for uploading this, from a young teenager in 2012 to me now in 2018, and everyone else that this video has changed for the better. :)


This literally just cured me of my depressive state. I've only been an athiest for a year now, but since I'm only 22, I'm now extremely excited for all the beauty in the world I'm going to experience in my lifetime


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, and learn as if you were to live forever"


My dad died of cancer a month ago today. His death has made me appreciate every sunrise, every rain storm, every snow flake...because i might never see the next one. To live on in the hearts of those you love is to never die. In this way, my father is immortal.


I'm more afraid of other people dying than I am of my own death. I'm bad at dealing with deaths of people i'm close to, such as family and friends. I don't fear my own death much. It would be a nice surprise to see there is some type of life after death, but it would be really fucking shitty if it's what the Bible describes. 


Although I do not believe in an afterlife, the idea of losing my consciousness forever with death still frightens me. I hope one day I can accept this like the people in these video, because I would live a happier life.


We are all made of stars, we can be part of all things and be in all places, for me that's more than enough.


i'm glad I live in this time and age and not in the dark ages.


i am a christian and i think this video is beautiful, eternity scares me as much as thunderfoot and is extremely difficult to grasp in our limited, finite mentalities... and it explains perfectly how an atheist has morality and hope apart from being finite - i think everyone should watch this video before they open their mouths against atheists


No plan and no purpose but there is beauty.


This is the truth. The question is often the answer. Somethings may seem so complicated to answer, so mindbogglingly incomprehensible, but they turn out to have simple answers. Why live for God? Why live to die? When you can live to live. This is why, despite skepticism from religions, atheists are happy.


I clicked on this so I would have something on in the background while I put away groceries. And now I’m questioning existence. This was a damn good choice.


Those who pray for eternity... Do not understand the nature of infinity.


I would love to live for a millennium. On earth, not in heaven.


The fact we were born makes us all the biggest lottery winners as the odds were never in our favor.


"Ever atom of my body will be recycled into the universe after I die."

While your alive every atom is a part of the universe.


Thank you for this video. I became an atheist when I was about eleven years old. Sense that moment, that realization that nobody knows anymore about the after life or the world than anybody else, I have struggled with the concept of death. I remember it very clearly, my mother told me when I asked about what happens after I die, where I came from before I lived, she had the courage to answer honestly, "I don't know". That same night I lied awake, fearful and uneasy about the inevitable logical conclusion that followed; maybe nothing happens. It made perfect sense to me then. It has been more than ten years and I still lay awake at night, fearful and uneasy, unwilling to except, to comprehend the end of my life, an eternity of nonexistance.

Over the last year I have found many great aethist thinkers. Christopher Hitchens poignant analogy, comparing the chistian paradigm to the North Korean state was both amusing and enlightening, . It had never occurred to view the concept of heaven as less desirable than the reality of death. I am a big fan of darkmatter2525, and he has a video on his channel where he makes the point that life would be without meaning if we merely lived forever after it. It gave me some comfort to feel this way, although I still live with the fear. 

I am very glad that I found this video. It is the ultimate humility, and an incrediable release, to give up ones life. To realize, except, and celebrate that not only humanity, but the individual self, is not the center of all things, and better because of it.I don't know if I will be free of my life long fear of death, but I do know sense finding these thinkers on youtube and on the internet I have found some sense of peace.

Thank you for that.


My friend.. Eric Larry Johnson

Rest in peace my friend....
April 29, 1979 - Jun 8, 2015
To a beautiful person, may you always be remembered for the Beauty you brought to this world.
