Portland mayor threatens to leave homeless partnership with county

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In a renewed push to get people living on the streets downtown into safe shelter spaces, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler this week threatened to pull the city, and its tens of millions of dollars in funding, out of a years-old working agreement with Multnomah County and go it alone.

The comment about Portland’s role in the Joint Office of Homeless Services came Monday during an interview with The Oregonian/OregonLive editorial board. It was reported by the paper the following day.

Wheeler, who’s up for reelection in November against opponent Sarah Iannarone, said he had directed city staff to find space for 300 new shelter beds by November and he wanted county leaders to ramp up their efforts as well.

“We want to work with our partners and encourage them to join us in focusing on the chronic homeless population. But if necessary, the city of Portland will go its own direction," Wheeler said.

The possibility came as a complete surprise to Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury.

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People need to put these incompetent politicians in jail


Well, he just wants more homeless so he has a ready group of people to protest. We already know that there is a camp right in town where a lot of people sleep after the riots and it is sponsored by the city. Yeah, portland is really a messed up town.


The Portland Mayor deserves to be put in prison ..


Such was a beautiful city and turned it into a homeless city. Thanks to the city government


Shelter beds? Barracks? A tent not only keeps off the rain and sun, but the eyes of the public, and this during the entire day, not just a few hours in darkness! Do you love someone? You can hang out on the street and possibly be separated. Is a pet essential to your mental and physical health? Forget it! This is a public dormitory?
Shelter beds is not a decent choice!


Why doesn’t Mayor Yoga Pants do everyone a favor and just depart planet earth 🌏👋🏽


What a choice Portland voters have this November! A Kafkaesque nightmare!


From Seattle here, I just browse you news so I can feel better about my mayor. Thanks Portland !!


Why doesn't he be just as aggressive taking care of the riot situation? 😒


So instead of picking up the phone and having a quiet chat about strategy with Kafoury, Wheeler has a highly public rant threatening to tear down the program rather than improve it. Mind-boggling stupidity.


It's bad that Portland didn't have, Say a EMPTY $52 M I L L I O N facility like a " WAPATO " BRAND SPANKING N E W !!!! That could comfortable house 1000 homeless. It was already COMPLETELY PAID for, and sold for a mere $5million. They were worried about the stigma? If I were homeless in Portland, I think my main concern would be not to FREEZE this winter...


75 million, 1400 people. DO THEY SLEEP ON GOLD??? TOTAL of 3500 homeless people - That would be more than 21k per person?!!! Where does the money go??!!! What the hell is going on in this dumb city?


Hello Mayor Wheeler, way to go, I am in Fresno, CA., same here in Fresno, Where does the money go? It is poorly managed and appears to help businesses as opposed to helping the homeless.


"Mayor" Wheeler - apparently YOU are NOT running it very well . . . shelter beds? Have YOU slept in one ? Think again - if you can . . .


Our city is terribly managed it’s really sad.


Portland has 14, 000 homeless you need to find out where they come from


Demand Term Limits and much smaller government... Or this insanity will soon reach every state in America.


Under Ted Wheeler, we have seen more homeless people on sideways than ever. So why should we expect the crisis to be solved if we give him another 4 years?


Thoughts and Suggestions: What makes the biggest impact to truly help the homeless whether for the homeless camps Downtown to the homeless camps near, around, and along the I205 would be, should be individualizing to each homeless persons needs. From health disabilities, joblessness to addictions. Dont just focus in just temporary housing, shelters and short term programs. Approximately $75, 000.000.00 funding available can be addressed and utilized so much more efficiently by applying it towards Individualized Direct Support, "I.D.S." for short starting with each tent along the I205. Each tent, each person, all persons to be addressed individually for what type of help they need.


....further, if a joint cooperative with a farm could be created to assist the homeless, everyone wins. Turn 24 acres into lots and let those living in tents or living in their cars rent for a minimal amount according to their income, if any, a small lot with access to electricity and restroom facilities. Have a community building and create a management team to oversee it. This would work.
