How to check your unconscious bias - Dr Jennifer Eberhardt | Global Goals

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Dr Jennifer Eberhardt, author of Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think and Do, and a recent panellist on #Oprah's Town Hall, gives an insight into #unconsciousbias. Dr Eberhardt explains if bias are left unchecked it can lead to great detriment for social groups and the world that we share.

We thought it was worth re-sharing this powerful presentation from our Goalkeepers 2019 event on unconscious bias and its connection to systemic #racism and entrenched #inequalities.


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In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals (officially known as the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs). These goals have the power to create a better world by 2030, by ending poverty, fighting inequality and addressing the urgency of climate change. Guided by the Goals, it is now up to all of us, governments, businesses, civil society and the general public to work together to build a better future for everyone.

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Unfortunately, being biased is part of being human, we are biased about everything, you go to the supermarket and you choose produce based on the way they look. You go into a bad neighborhood and you choose not to walk by a certain kind of people, if you fail at that, you are a fool and you're exposing yourself to a dangerous situation. Bias is good, it's being good for millions of years of evolution.


Unconscious Biased, especially in workplace HR videos, should be more accurately titled - 'So you didn't think you were Racist, let me prove you wrong'


There is no evidence that unconscious bias can be measured nor is the evidence of anti-unconscious bias training has any effects on change.


It seems that "unconscious bias" training attempts to unwind natural pattern development in humans. And the only way to deal with it is to constantly fight against it? Seems debilitating.


If I have "Unconscious Bias" that I can't control, I won't worry about it.
Besides, it doesn't really matter what you're thinking. What matter most to other people is how you behave.
Your actions matter; what you think privately in your mind doesn't.


To say our perception is biased is to assume that there is unbiased perception. What then is unbiased perception? Our perception is always "biased" in that millions of years of evolution have shaped our perception into hierarchies of importance or concern for our survival. True "unbiased" perception would simply be utter neutrality towards everything.


This means when you make a decision there is an invisible force making a decisions.


The Dr is right in one aspect unconscious biased is neither bad or good. It is what you do with it. Everyday we each make decisions how we are going to treat others. If you were raised and taught right you live more by the “Golden Rule”. Ultimately whatever your unconscious bias is, it is you action and treatment of others that makes it good or bad. One can be aware of unconscious biased but if you are an adult and have had interactions with people day in and out from all walks of life you should already know how to communicate and treat others fairly. It is a conscious choice regardless of what unconscious bias you might have. It’s called control. I simply do not need the good Dr or anyone else for that matter to teach me how to control and conduct myself as an adult. My unconscious biases do not control me. I control them. End of discussion.


To paraphrase the late, great Bernard Manning, when asked if he was a racist: ‘Yes, I like some people, I dislike some people’.


Apparently "Dr." Eberhardt has taken Vladimir Lenin's advice to heart: "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."


Being self righteous and pretending to not have “bad” thoughts doesn’t make you a “good” person.
It’s not allowing your bad thoughts to hurt others around you that makes you a good person.


When I think of a dog, I don't see a cat. Nor do I see a dog that's 250lbs. Although they do exist. Most dogs are around 15 to 40 lbs.There's no bias there other than my brain just thinks of the most common types I've seen and personally experienced. Same goes for couples. I don't see any Chinese and Black couples. If they exist, I haven't seen one. Nor do I see Mexican and Korean couples. But I do see plenty of black/black, white/white/ and so forth. I'm not sure it even takes a Doc with a PhD to tell me those "biases" exist in all of us, and for good reason.

And as far as women Presidents, since there hasn't been one, I don't expect ever to see one nor do I want to see one if the only clear distinction is that she owns a vagina. I'm Canadian and we had a female Prime Minister for a brief time and she wasn't anything special. To me, she was cut from the basic same cloth as all other Canadian politicians with a background in law. Yup-tee-doo.

This isn't the kind of bias that even matters. What's terrible are those people who automatically assume, with no attributable frame of reference, that anything other than their own specific race is going to be trouble. I may not want a Muslim Prime Minister just on the basis that their religious convictions are diametrically opposite of my atheism and their world view will be affected by their core beliefs. They would have to go a long way to prove that they are working within the boundaries of Canadian values and would not impose their concepts which have been established by Islamic values for generations. But just like J. Trudeau., his "whiteness" and French background (similar to mine) doesn't make me feel any better about him being Prime Minister either. I don't form any allegiance to race or ethic background per se. I want someone with the skills and the brains to do the job effectively and fairly. That's truly my "bias".

Having worked in the computer field for decades, I've worked with a lot of people from different ethnic and racial backgrounds. I didn't see any reason to treat them any differently than those white guys I worked with. They did their jobs right and knew a lot. But there was never any chance any of them would become friends with me. They seemed to keep their distance. I can't explain why but it was evident there wasn't anything I could do to bridge that gap. So to me, it was clear they favoured their own as much or even more than the white guys I worked with.


I hope she takes some responsibilty for the sterotypes and and encourages people who may be discrimnated to act in a way to change those sterotypes.


She is putting one person on the screen, telling us the story, then putting lots of faces up and asking us to guess which one fits the story!😂


I was thinking Iris was the fish. I know she said it was Colombo but I was unconsciously thinking wasn't that really Peter Falk.


Anyone who has to say “right?“ All the time obviously is trying to lead the witness.


I don't get it, they all looked kinda the same.
Maybe the video is too small


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Yeah, if the sky is blue, they want to think it’s red. Lol


automatic unconscious bias, it's you that needs to be fixed...
