Black People, You Don’t Own This!

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I keep seeing TikTokers calling white people out for using black slang, also known as AAVE (African American Vernacular English). Why do black people feel the need to gatekeep this language, and do they even understand that it actually originates from low class white people? Let’s get into it.

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The thing I hate about this whole “anti-racist” crap these days is that they’re actually trying to dictate how you must act and speak based solely on your race. They don’t even understand they’re the ones being racist.


As a black woman, I’m not claiming illiteracy as my culture.


It’s super funny how for EVERY OTHER CULTURE, it’s respectful to learn and speak their language around them.


Whoever said we don't need education was lying!!


I miss the times when education was the goal to strive for


As a white southern girl surrounded by Georgian vernacular all the time, I always find it hilarious when people attribute slang to a race rather than a location or culture. Half the words on that list I hear down here all the time


As a greek, I now want nobody to use words that were derived from the greek language 😂


Yep, the Southern language especially in the Appalachian South was greatly influenced by the Scots-Irish who used slang terms that are now considered AAVE.


I’m white but I live in Hawaii, I always notice myself using Hawaiian slang or “pidgin” (pronounced like pigeon) as it’s called here, whenever I’m talking to my Hawaiian friends. Changing the way you talk around certain people is human, it’s how we socialize. Trying to gatekeep accents and slang will only make socializing even more difficult.


I’m Japanese and I don’t call people bigots or that they culture appropriate by eating sushi watching anime or dressing up in kimonos. It makes me happy that people like it. Why are people such a snowflakes these days🙄


I'm Indian, and I feel immensely proud that yoga, meditation, Indian cuisine, and Hinduism and Buddhism are being used all over the world. I absolutely love when my friends state that they meditate or do yoga. I wouldn't say you're a racist bigot appropriating culture. I would say to go ahead, and explore my culture. I would be immensely flattered. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


I'm English/Celt born and bred. If people of any culture, nation or colour want to use it (or gatekeep it), let them, it sounds bloody awful anyway.


I'm a biracial woman who grew up in a lower class neighborhood in NJ. It was mostly black, but there were also a lot of white and hispanic families there as well, and I had friends across all groups. We all spoke the same, but as we got older we gradually learned to talk "professional" for school and work settings. Recently, one of my white friends I grew up with was sharing how she slipped into more relaxed speech with some work friends, and a newer coworker accused her of cultural appropriation. She responded with something like "Yeah, lemme go tell that to the people I grew up with back in my hood, " and apparently the coworker thought she was being EXTRA offensive and reported her to HR. The whole thing got dropped eventually, but only after my friend basically had to share her life story. Also turned out that newer coworker grew up wealthy and didn't think white people also lived in poor areas. Ridiculous.


I’m a Korean who moved to Texas. I use most of these words on the daily because that’s how I learned English. They’re quite literally just slangs based on location. What happened to learning languages and dialects being respectful? We don’t bar them from learning Korean or the Gwangju dialect. Why should AAVE get special treatment?


I wish we could live in a world where the only race was the human race

edit: Look mum im famous (thanks for the likes)


I am rural Scottish and I noticed most of AAVE is very similar to the regional dialects in the UK. For example, the famous 'In da house' "da" for "the" is a Aberdeenshire word for "the". We say "beefing" in the UK "she had a beef with him".


I'm a Nigerian and here in Nigeria, most of us are usually amused to see non Nigerians attempt to speak Pidgin or our native languages (Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa). I don't know any Nigerian who would bully non Nigerians into "leaving our language alone". So I see these people gatekeeping language and it just makes me cringe

Edit 1: Whoa! 1k likes! Mind blown!!!!


These folks segregate themselves. They crave being victims.


I'm seriously too old for this. I'm 60, and I grew up in the fields of southern Alabama. I'm done!! These people need to get a LIFE!


The word "finna' meaning fixing to etc, has been used in British and Scottish slang for centuries before European folks ever ended up on American shores.
