how to make cool sh*t and love doing it

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Hope you guys enjoyed this video - Think of it like a follow up video for “how to become a f*cking expert at anything fast” :)

If you're new to my channel, my name is Nate. I'm a NYC-based creator obsessed with becoming the the best version of myself in all domains. I make new videos about health, fitness, skills, entrepreneurship, and productivity to help you win in life. Enjoy!


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Stop wasting your time and start creating! In this video, I break down exactly how to make cool sh*t you’re proud of. Whether it’s a hobby, passion project, or something that could make you money, this guide shows you how to find your thing, start even if you suck, improve step by step, set big milestones, and share it (anonymously if you want) on social media. Learn how to turn your ideas into reality and love the process. Let me know in the comments if you want more tips on building an audience from scratch!
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As a child I came back from school and slept😭😭😭


"To make cool sh*t, you first have to make sh*t."

-a wise man


for me this has been slowly writing a little bit more, learning how to draw, and having a crochet project. it doesn't have to be some big thing, you just have to enjoy it.


yes i would love to see how to grow an audience


I have a webcomic. Making two pages weekly is exhausting, but it keeps me drawing and writing so I keep going.
I think it's so cool when people have these huge passion projects that really show off their personality and skills.


The problem with being so hard on yourself when it comes to perfection is that you're not trying to impress others, you're trying to impress yourself and that's hard sometimes.


Had to pull into a random parking lot to make this comment.

This video hit close to home. I am 21. When I was young I greatly enjoyed building legos. I believe this influenced my fabrication and problem solving skills a lot. I also know for a fact that I inherited a lot of that mentality from my dad, who has those traits as well.

When I got my first car, he strongly advised and pushed me to fix the issues myself, even though I didn’t like it at all at first. For a couple years I did it out of necessity, but that all changed once I got a boat.

Ever since, I have loved working on basically any machine. I especially love working on and restoring old chainsaws, outboards, boats, and vehicles. I currently have several projects going on at the same time, and keep detailed log sheets for all of them to keep track of work I am doing on them. I even have a second channel in addition to this one for documenting short videos of work I am doing.

I am so grateful to my dad for pushing me to fix my own stuff. I have now made it my career path and am currently an on the road fleet tech with my own service truck.

This video is 100% spot on and I am the perfect example of it. Keep up the good work to everyone who is working on their passions.


Since I was 15 I’ve been making a large-scale worldbuilding project with my books and I plan to work on it for the rest of my life. I even started my channel around my books, publishing journey, and my tips for other writers.


love this idea of thinking. That is how I feel about youtube. i enjoy the process of making and the creativity mixed with the memories each video holds for the future


In 2021 I was a 16 year old and I started reading Berserk. It changed me inside and out. The story is amazing don't get me wrong, but the way it truly changed me is realizing that this incredible saga with some of the most beautiful illustrations I've ever seen were made by a man who had a true passion for his craft. I was incredibly jealous, the type of jealous you feel when you see someone well off and you immediately know you want to do whatever it takes to be like them. So I learned how to draw, and I practiced a LOT. It's been about 4 years since then and I can successfully say I have achieved exactly what I sought out to do ❤️ I'm 20 years old now. I'm an artist that has made so many works that I'm proud of. So thank you Kentaro Miura, you brought so much joy to me and many other young artists and have inspired us to create our own sagas which will be enjoyed by the next generation of young artists with big dreams.


Nah these clips and pics was another level fr💀💀🗿🗿🤣🤣


I agree with everything here! I started a channel a year ago. Didnt know anything about content creation. I learned how to do 2d animation, write a script, record and edit a voiceover and just started. Every video is a learning process. I'm a huge fan of the more fast paced retention editing style of Finzar and the style Older Brother uses, so i challenged myself to learn capcut and to change things up. I'm constantly learning and improving with each video. So whatever your thing is, art, music, woodworking, or being a content creator, just go for it. Start small, and like this video says, set small incremental goals. Enjoy the process. Focus on improving and everything else will fall into place. I believe in you guys!!!!
And older brother, Yes. I'd love a video on growing an audience!


Making and creating projects for myself to look forward to has really changed how I live my life it's just adds more meaning to just upload somewhere and have people look at it and comment. Even if no one is watching you are still improving and seeking growth on each project you encounter. Great video and it'll definitely apply this to my own channel!


Perhaps the best idea ever. As someone who likes drawing, I rediscovered my passion for drawing and have learned to draw, first with pencil and paper and later digitally. That's just one of several other cool things I do.


You're totally right I am the type of person who didn't do anything and was just bored all day but now that I think about it it's a very good idea. Thx man❤


this literally changed my life, thank you bro 😭😭


Your video was a great wake up call for me. so often in life we get so caught up in school or work and progressing in those areas that we forget to nurture what makes us truly want to keep going and be excited for everyday. I truly believe we are meant to create more than we consume and in today's day and age it seems like all that we do is consume. I have so many passions, hobbies and interest that I've tossed to the side and the longer I go without doing them the more depressed I honestly get.

P.S. please do drop that video on how to grow a channel - I love your content creation style and I've been seriously considering starting up a channel for years now :)


As someone who played way too many video games as a kid I highly recommend martial arts. If you were any good at those video games you were likely competitive, and now you can channel that inner competitiveness into something like boxing. It took me a while to really fall in love with but afterwards I was hooked, no other activity can compare.


This video’s missing one thing: a Zarnivex quote. That book is FIRE for mindset shifts.


I agree, you just have to started. I found my passion in graphic design a bit late, when i'm 20 yo and currently in college studying in a different major(law major) than my passion, but i'm keep going because i really like it and when i finished a project, it make me feel confident, energized, and happy
