Top 10 Things We Want MOST In Shadowlands

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We're joined once again by @LeystTV to guide us through the top 10 things we want the most in Shadwlands! Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any future content⬇️ READ MORE ⬇️

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What do you want the most?
Huge shoutout to Leyst for his hard work on this video :)


I’m a dirty casual now, but still agree on skill over lucky procs.


I would love to see some of the gcd changes reverted. It made a lot of the classes feel worse to play imo


I love your list.

-The un-pruning of classes is awesome and is a great first step.
-Tier sets are what made classes feel special, even if they're just cosmetic we need them back.
-Classes need to be playable WITHOUT borrowed power. This means I should be able to be viable without legendary items, a full set of tier/Azerite, or BIS items/Essences.
-Master Looter is a great system, who cares if the top 1% of guilds are abusing it? That's not the player base you should look at Blizzard, the other 99% is. Let the 1% be.
-Mythic plus is one of the best systems they've implemented. Some of the affixes however are trash and hinder the player experience.

-Let. Gear. Be. Gear. NO Titan Forging. NO Corruption. NO added system to the gear. If I get a sword, let it be a sword. If I get a ring, let it be a ring. No more addition systems.
-No more constant grind for power, IE: Azerite for the Heart of Azeroth or AP for your Artifact Weapon in legion. This makes people who have alts just hate their lives.
-Please do not make gear from previous raids so powerful that I need to have a piece of specific gear from a specific boss in an old raid, it kills getting near gear.
-Dungeon sets would be extremely interesting and if people want it, sure why not? No harm in giving people the chance to get better and do the content they like.
-PvP needs more love than a homeless dog. Do NOT allowed PvE items or systems into PvP (I'm looking at you trinkets and corruption). Give us solo que so people without XP can actually do high level PvP. The entire community of PvP right now is a catch 22. You gotta have XP to get in to groups but you can't get that XP without getting so you're forced to join "Yolo pugs" that usually get stomped and fall apart at the sign of anything scary.

-There are too many raiding difficulties. We have LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mythic. Two of them don't need to exist. Get rid of LFR and Mythic, make Normal as hard as heroic and make Heroic as hard as mythic OR make it so that on Heroic you can enable hardmodes for better/more gear. I'm ok with someone getting a 300 iLvL weapon from the same boss I killed when I only get a 290 as long as they earned it; IE: Heroic Hardmode (Not random Titan/War Forging).
-Last but not least, please respect the Warcraft lore. Please do not throw anymore massively OP bad guys who are known to be truly powerful at us for 1 raiding tier. Queen Azshara deserved an entire expansion or at least half of one, not 1 raid tier/patch. The black empire deserved an entire expansion for how important they are in lore.


I'd like to see pvp gear and pve gear separated with something like resilience.
That way someone wearing pvp gear will always beat a pve guy, while a pve guy will always outperform a pvp guy in a dung or raid


think gcd changes is another real important thing blizz needs to think about reverting still..


As melee player mainly, I want consistent hit box sizes on bosses. One boss you can hit him from almost halfway across the room. While another same size boss you have to be almost in his model to hit. Please be consistent


I'm definitely on board with them shaking up m+ and add some beneficial affixes. Awakening has been one of the best examples of this to happen to the game.

I would also love to see *FORCED* personal loot to go away. Too many times I've seen an "item level upgrade" not be an upgrade because it has the wrong stats for you but perfect stats for your friend drop. It doesn't feel good for you to get that item and it doesn't feel good to not be able to trade it to your friend.

Their weird obsession with making item level king just causes more problems than it solves because of how certain classes rely on stats and the systems they've added to the game that completely negate it (azerite, corruption, gem sockets, proc effects).


Revert some GCD changes, especially damage cooldowns. It sucks to have your cool down reduced by 1 second just because it’s in the GCD which feels too clunky.


"We think skill should always trump luck. . ." Absolutely, every day of the week. Procs can still be interesting and provide players with opportunity mid-rotation for reactionary and prioritizing decisions, but this crosses a line when a single source of corruption did more than the rest of your class on the dps charts. When my ilvl, stat priority, and cooldown lineups are out performed by little billy getting extra it really kills my enjoyment of the encounter and ruins my desire to be the best pilot of my spec I can be. Shadowlands is looking to be a promising expansion and Im hoping we get a more desirable experience with gear this time around.


I just need Sweeping Strikes off the GCD


What I want to See as Goldmaker / Trader / Transmog Farmer / Mount Collector / Casual PvP:

All things the video mentioned and in addition....

Economy Topics:
Enable the entire Content of World of Warcraft
With the 100% xp buff I decided to take a break from classic and leveled a few Characters in different Areas and guys it felt so amazing. I recognized to many things from classic in retail wow, I went through my entire life basically and experienced Outland again, Wotlk again and didnt took a speed pill to rush through it. It was gorgeous and in all honest fucking impressive how big world of warcraft became.
With "Enabling the entire World of Warcraft content" - I mean, make it relevant again. I dont want to jump over the cliff and say "old raids / dungeons need to drop items for current content" no but atleast professions can dive deep into old content. Why dont we get current item recipes which needs parts of old content? E.g. Leather Boots that need Arctic Fur? or a 2 Handed Axe which needs Dark Iron Ore? Witch the current known concept of Shadowlands Legendaries (old Legendaries Effects, Azerit Trait Effects, old Tier Set Bonuses etc.) it makes even more sense. Add resources from the expansion to the crafting recipe where the item was mainly used. E.g. if you can craft a Legendary with Thunderfury 2020 Effect, make sure the recipe needs Enchanted Elementium Bars or Arcanite Bars.
Summary: This would enhance the economy SO much and people can farm so much more then just a stock of low selling rate items and then farm 24/7 Anchor Weed in Tiragarde Sound. It would bring people back to Old Content and actually doing old content for a nostalgia purpose AND a gold making purpose AND a transmog focus AND a mount collector focus.

More materials that are not BoP and give good vibes to find
In BFA we only got Anchor Weed and Platinum Ore without any special materials like arcane crystals or volatile life drop chances from these. It is so boring to supply the economy with the same route over and over again without feeling any kind of excitement or at least "hope" for the good thing to drop which boosts your gph. I also really like the way fishing works in Classic WoW - having seasional fishes, fishes that only appear in a certain day time etc. makes stock piling so much more interesting.

PvP Topics:
Incentivize PvP More
I played like 15k Hours of Path of Exile since 2011 and I love how Seasons work over there. I can imagine that you can copy paste a Season System for PvP Seasons with great success. In 8.3 I saw a lot of pvp streamer complaining about their schedule and that they can`t get twinks to work for the current season. Doing Your Cloak / Essences / HoA level / m+ for corruption gear / traits etc.
It`s not the one argument that also method uses in this video "doing different kind of content if I want to focus on one", its more like the amount you have to do to be able to compete in high rating.
In my Opinion PVP player do not play for rating only they evolved into something that like the concept of PvP but then does different stuff with it or around it. They like to play meme combos, try to make kills with different situational setups within their comp, try different trinkets to burst someone hard, they actually care about their look - a lot of times they are transmoggers as well.
Path of Exile Seasons in Wow would look like this: Every PvP Season you have a list of challenges like "Kill the last two people within a match with just one player of your team alive" or "Do 15 Million Damage before finishing the match" and as a reward you get cosmetic pvp items. It needs to be a list increasing by difficulty but based on previous challenges e.g. One Achievement for 12 Activities which are kinda easy, reward is some minor cosmetic. Next Achievment needs the first one to be completed plus additional 12 that are more heavy for a decent cosmetic and finally a third achievment which includes the first 2 and additional 12 for a backpack pvp only transmog or whatever cool shit. (numbers obviously can be changed to smth that fits but needs to be reasonable and somekind of a grind like "win 500 2v2 games"
For me personal I feel like there is nothing to do within the PvP Ecosystem (grinding the mount takes 1 or 2 days in 3s) and things like that fit the "personas" that actually play alot pvp and gives them stuff to do. You obviously can evolve this system into raiding / m+ aswell but we already have the meta achievements there for mounts etc. which is basicly the same just not as big.

Enable / Disable certain Items of the Game from each content tier in BG / Arena / WM on
I feel like some parts of the game need to be turned off in PvP cause they cant be balanced in any way, this can be specific items / trinkets or entire systems like corruptions. On the other Hand encourge people to play more arround a "set up" then a procc can be done via trinkets, smth thats dog shit for PvE can be amazing for PvP like "Does 150k AOE dmg not split between targets after 4 Sec in the targeted area" - basicly encourge other comps to be played as any rogue mage / rogue destro / rogue SP / destro Lock combo.

Sadly noone will read this :(


Masterloot was a problem in the past. You couldn't get into a pug without groups claiming certain loot. Happend 80% of the time. It was terrible. Doing nzoth weapon or trinkets would go straight to party leader.


Hmm I think at 4:08 your editor forgot to put in gameplay footage for gingi


Reforging. I really miss reforging. It allowed you to adjust your secondary stats for multiple builds within a spec. i.e. BM Hunter had both a mastery-based build and a (Method) crit build (Frenzy Build). Not to mention I want my reforge mount back...


I just want Reputation to be Account-Wide.


I love the idea of a dungeon set, while playing Disc as my main in mythic dungeons, I cannot help but think that the group would be better with just about any other healing class 😔


#1 Josh back for Shadowlands PepeHands - Big No now YEP


M+ sets would be a great addition! But how would they interact with Tier sets? Would you have to chose one over the other? Or maybe, Tier sets could be on X peiece, and M+ sets on Y pieces, and you could wear both?


Bring back tokens for dungeons and m+. Everyone who dont have time for raiding (the community is way older nowadays) can reach tier sets at some point doing m+ with a few friends instead of a guild...
