The 100 Season 5: Top 10 Things We NEED to See!

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With season 5 of The 100 coming up, here are the things we want to see! For the new season we want new grounder characters.With Praimfaya destroying most of the world and its population, the show has narrowed its pool characters, but there’s no doubt that there are some people who made it down into the bunker that we have never seen before! We also want to see the prisoners as villains, Octavia as Leader, the fallout from Kane’s decision, flashbacks to earth before the first apocalypse, more about Eligius and the transport ship and what happened in the bunker?

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I can't wait to see all this reunions, especially Bellamy & Clarke first meeting after 6 years when he thought she is dead. And of course Clarke's backstory, how she handled alone for one year and how she found Madi. And Bellarke would be great ;)


I wanna see Lincoln magically come back to life


Oh, MsMojo, my love/hate relationship with you continues, lol. It’s Bellamy and Clarke’s reunion at #1 for me. All the reunions, really, but especially theirs.


every time I hear the word Lexa, my heart breaks all over again


Things I'm waiting to watch un season 5:
1. OCATAVIAA BABE, she is seriously the best character who's alive now, and I'll love her even though she'll probably make mistakes as a leader (tsk, cannibalism in underground bunker)
2. BELLARKE, let's face it, Lexa was great but we are waiting for bellarke since probably season 1
3. I just hope that this prisoner thing is worth it, I don't want The 100 to be a typical villain story :( I was more Sci Fi lol
4. What happened in Space? How did they survive? Who's with who lol (secretly shipping Murphy and Raven)
5. Madi, how Clarke found her!! And if there are other night bloods on the planet


The only thing I need to see is BELLARKE


10 ten things I want for s5












I’ll be so disappointed if nothing happens between Clarke and Bellamy this season...We’ve waited 5 seasons!! something needs to happen❤️


Bellamy and Clarke’s reunion isn’t even on the list let alone any on the How can this be😫


the thing the 100 is best at is killing off great grounder characters. yeah lexa was great i loved her and she got quite a bit of story about her, so did Lincoln. but Anya was so interesting and they could have done so much with her character. Luna who we found out a little about in season 3 for her to be killed off in season 4. you also have Roan, Queen Nia, Ontari and Ilian.


you haven't put the reunions! I want to see bellarke reunion, clarke-abby reunion, bellamy-octavia


CW has a bad habit of cancelling a lot of good shows too soon if their initial ratings aren't great (The Messengers and Star Crossed are examples), but I'm glad this show started off great and has been kept on CW for as long as it has.


The comment section is currently 50% wanting Bellarke, 50% wanding Clexa. All I want is Jasper back.


I'm really proud of Octavia. Her character development is amazing. And I'm glad she is Heda now. Lexa has never to worry about


Personally I'm looking forward to seeing how Madi connects with everyone. I imagine she must be very interested to meet the guy her mum has been trying to call every day.


Everyone in the comments wants Bellarke to happen. I feel like they’re such intimate friends that it’d ruin it with romance. Plus Jason already said no Bellarke any time soon.


YES!!! Flashbacks and maybe like hallucinations of characters that died (Lexa, Lincoln, and Anya) and maybe hearing more about costia I was really hooked into the whole costia thing! And I’m not against bellarke but I like them as friends more and I ship 😂 don’t kill me for saying this echo and Bellamy 😂


10. Madi
9. The Eligius is the new villian
8. Abby became drug addict
7. Bloderina
6. On Season 6 & 7


I can’t believe you didn’t talk about Bellarke


Here’s what I would like after watching the most recent episodes. So my theory is that Octavia is going through some extreme mental illness which was induced by the past 6 years and her time of being Blood Reina. I hope that she will find something in her mind that will bring her back before the battle. Though we have already seen her thinking back to when she was a child with Bellamy, it doesn’t seem to get through to her, although we can see she is conflicted. But if somehow, she thinks back to Lincoln, and remembers something he told her or thinks of how he would think of her now, maybe it could strike a chord and would break down. I would love for her to break down and spend some time alone before starting fresh (also to get rid of her over the top makeup). Her character development has been the best, and her continuing to be evil and her death would only be too predictable. So I really hope she comes back. Another thing I hope for is maybe Bellamy and Raven to be a couple but I’m not mad over it, I just think they will fit well together. I’m not really a shipper, but I just can’t think of anyone else who he would be happy with that fans would be happy with.
