Nvidia Has a Secret

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I've been an entrepreneur for the last decade across multiple companies. I've done a lot of work in Silicon Valley, so that's mostly what I talk about. I've raised over 10 rounds of venture capital totaling over $100m in funding.

I work mostly in tech-enabled consumer packaged goods, meaning I use software to make the best products possible and then deliver them to the widest possible audience. I'm a big fan of machine learning, python programming, and motion graphics.



Disclaimer: This video is purely my opinion and should not be regarded as a primary source. I am not a financial advisor and this is not a recommendation to buy or sell securities. Always do your own due diligence.
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I would say, nvidia hasn’t always continued to innovate. Their history shows a pattern of anticompetitive behavior mixed with many periods of stagnation where the only thing done to improve their cards was to add power draw and minor other things. They stifled innovation a few years because they had no competition. Not quite at the level that intel did, but sadly a good amount. They are the kings of graphics, for sure. Jensen has done incredible things, but I can’t in good faith applaud the company too much in its current state.


What I miss in these videos is a deeper look into the company. Getting a good team together is half the battle. Reducing choices made to 'the founder had this great idea' misses out on the power of good advice and high quality management.


This is another level of story telling, thank you very much, I just found out about your channel today and I watched so many videos and acquired tons of knowledge .


1:06 It's Taiwanese origin, not Chinese origin. As a Taiwanese, I hate being called Chinese, be respectful. You wouldn't use "Chinese origin" to describe a Japanese or Korean even though their ancestors also came from China.


So much research this dude did. So much respect!


A small correction and clarification regarding "Microsoft called it Direct3D, we know it as DirectX today."

It's always been DirectX (ignoring the short-lived Windows Games SDK name), and it's always been Direct3D. DirectX is the name for all the Direct* collection APIs/components (Direct2D, DirectDraw, etc.). Direct3D is specifically the 3D component, and the most recognized by the general public.


It is interesting how Jensen is glorified in this video, while ignoring the takeover of 3dfx that boosted nvidias knowledge quite a bit and ignoring the aweful takes from Jensen at AIBs, the misleading of customers with the naming sheme of the 10 and 40 series and the price gauging nvidia has been doing and is continuing with the 40 series. A 4070 level card for 900 bucks. But I think this video is more for investors then gamers / tech interested people, just showing how nvidia made them so much money. A more differentiated view would have been more honest.


Dude, the second I receive a notification that he posted a video, I don’t hesitate


It would have been nice if you would have included why Apple severed it's relationship with Nvidia in 2009. Macbooks and iMacs don't come with Nvidia GPU's. They all have AMD graphics.


this video has so much research behind it and John really knows what he's talking about. Thanks for the bomb content, John!


I'm surprised there was no mention of 3dfx's discreet 3d gpu technologies including SLI in this video. It was a big step for Nvidia when they absorbed 3dfx. I'm pretty sure 3dfx was the first to manufacture discreet 3d gpu cards for the mass market and were absorbed by Nvidia just prior to the GeForce 256 coming out.


Positives: this video was really well produced. John, you talk great! Very excited about the future of games, 3d and computation.
Negatives: Ooooo the clickbait is real. What's the secret? The amount of 'professional' YT channels that straight up lie to get clicks is astronomical. Also, YT ads are getting bad.


Great video, but I'm a little sad that you never mentioned 3dfx. It has huge back then and it was the biggest Nvidia's rival.


Talking about the dawn of 3D graphics without saying anything about 3Dfx? Btw, NVidia is not just about GPUs, but CPUs as well. Remember Tegra ARM CPU and its market failure?
P.s. "crypto miners buying GeForce cards like crazy"? Nope, never heard of them.


The board partner ODM's don't get enough of a cut. EVGA has just left the partnership... keep an eye out for details on the aggressive practices behind this. Choosing SAMSUNG to fab the RTX30 series chips was purely based on price. If TSMC had manufactured those chips using their process, they would have been more efficient, cooler and potentially faster. (Ampere GA100 was made by TSMC as an example). They could also, use HBM2 on the chip to further increase performance, but they don't for the consumer cards. Another point - GTX970 RAM-Sham (i sent my pair back for a refund) - also selling to Crypto Miners yet, I still buy their products. Still it's best to know who you are dealing with and the sun does not shine out their backside.


Thanks for the informative video. I appreciate that you didn’t include any in video ads!


Love the indepth research you obviously put into all your videos John!!! Awsome editing and you have the perfect voice for narating videos. You're easy to listen to and watch with different angles of information every few seconds. I've never gotten bored watching one of your videos from begining to end. I hope your channel blows up. Keep up the great work!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!


There was a time when their chips substrate/packaging was cracking and faulty in at least laptops for at least a generation: this should have been mentioned. I stuck with the Intel/AMD on CPU GPUs thereafter.


I like how he showing games that was actually running on a AMD chipsets exclusively 😂


A 9 year old asian immigrant kid helping a 17 year old with math... yeah, it tracks 😂
