A Few Neat Tricks For Customizing Dataclasses // Python Tips

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- Ryan Laursen
- Sybren A. Stüvel
- Dale Hagglund

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Arjan, I'd love to see your take on descriptors, as it's hard to find good examples of using them for anything beyond simple type validations, although rumor has it they can be very powerful :) (at least as far as code neatness is concerned). Wouldn't they make for a perfect continuation of your "upper-intermediate" series after custom context managers, asyncio, functools, etc.?


Love your content, always going to the point with a good example.


Do you prefer dataclass or pydantic basemodel? Which one is more powerful, or more user-friendly? I am trying to use one consistently since they seems got many overlapping features. Thanks.


I like these suggestions. But I have a question about how something like _search_string should work in a dataclass. Obviously if a person's name or city changes, _search_string should be updated. How would you recommend handling this?


I think at this point yo should do an attrs video. It is where Python dataclasses come from and offer so mich more functionality than the stdlib ones.


What is a field in python? Does it have other uses?