Scaling up single-cell analysis to the proteome | CZI Webinar
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Relevant papers:
Slavov N. (2021)
Single-cell protein analysis by mass-spectrometry
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 60, 1-9
Slavov N. (2020)
Unpicking the proteome in single cells
Science, Vol. 367, Issue 6477, pp. 512-513
Leduc A, Huffman RG, Slavov N. (2021)
Droplet sample preparation for single-cell proteomics applied to the cell cycle
Specht H, Slavov N. (2020)
Optimizing accuracy and depth of protein quantification in experiments using isobaric carriers
Specht H, Emmott E, Petelski A, Huffman RG, Perlman D, Serra M, Kharchenko P, Koller A, Slavov N. (2021)
Single-cell proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of macrophage heterogeneity using SCoPE2