SIDA OII (Open Invention Initiative) #4: Mass Transport Ventilation Device Version 1.0
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This is an open invention under the SIDA OII (Open Invention Initiative)
SIDA stands for Singapore Inventors Development Association.
Title: Mass transport ventilation device
Inventor: Jason Leow (Invention was disclosed in SIDA WhatsApp committee group chat in 13 Apr 2020)
Note: This is an open invention. The inventor is giving away this invention to the general public for free. The inventor only seek for acknowledgement in his invention effort.
Search term: COVID-19, transport, bus, train, subway
SIDA stands for Singapore Inventors Development Association.
Title: Mass transport ventilation device
Inventor: Jason Leow (Invention was disclosed in SIDA WhatsApp committee group chat in 13 Apr 2020)
Note: This is an open invention. The inventor is giving away this invention to the general public for free. The inventor only seek for acknowledgement in his invention effort.
Search term: COVID-19, transport, bus, train, subway