SIDA OII (Open Invention Initiative) #3: Three Strings Mask
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This is an open invention under the SIDA OII (Open Invention Initiative)
SIDA stands for Singapore Inventors Development Association.
Title: Three Strings Mask
Inventor: Jason Leow (Invention was disclosed in SIDA WhatsApp committee group chat on 2 Feb 2020)
Note: This is an open invention. The inventor is giving away this invention to the general public for free. The inventor only seek for an acknowledgement in his invention effort.
Search term: mask, facemask, COVID-19, shortage, string, 口罩, 三弦
SIDA stands for Singapore Inventors Development Association.
Title: Three Strings Mask
Inventor: Jason Leow (Invention was disclosed in SIDA WhatsApp committee group chat on 2 Feb 2020)
Note: This is an open invention. The inventor is giving away this invention to the general public for free. The inventor only seek for an acknowledgement in his invention effort.
Search term: mask, facemask, COVID-19, shortage, string, 口罩, 三弦