Game of Thrones Season 5: Episode #5 - The Stone Men of Valyria (HBO)

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Poor Jorah, now he catches Grey Scale.  CAN THE MAN CATCH A BREAK??


When I saw them sailing into Valyria I could hear the screams of thousands of fanatic book readers.


Game of Thrones' production team are insanely awesome!


Even though this part of the story deviates from the books in various ways, I thought this scene with stone men was very well done. Sure, we're seeing something different but I thought the more important part was to show how dangerous getting grey scale is. Tyrion risks drowning because he knows how awful the disease is!

I'm curious to see how much it affects Jorah physically and mentally.


Not at all how I pictured Valyria but awesome scenes regardless.


Incredible how much work and planning goes into such brief sequences. My hat's off to ya'll for a job well done!


That Credits music was awesome for it after the end. Just Walking Dead WOW


This was a classic scene for the show. I really like how there was the remnants of valyria and the stone men. 

I wish there was a another 7 seasons for a prequel show for game of thrones with the rise of the targaryens. especially the princess and the queen (blacks and greens).


The show and the books are very different now.


so it seems they mixed 'valyria' and the sorrows together for this new valyria.


It would have been awesome if Euron had sailed around Valyria when they got there :)


Damn you, Stannis. Even the Stone Men are more affectionate.


Though I've been WTF-ing with frustration through parts of this season (what with the lack of Princess Arianne) This was probably one of my favorite parts from the season so far.  We get glimpses of Valeria, and then the Stonemen?!  I seriously shouted when I saw the one move in the background. 
Amazing work by the makeup teams!!


Awesome scene. Was just like the in the books except on a different boat.


I know Jorah gets a lot of s**t because he serves Danaerys who everyone hates, and he's broni freindzoni or whatever, but for me he's honestly one of the most compelling characters. A lot of the other characters in Game of Thrones are unflinchingly dedicated to their own set of principles, and it often leads to their fall.

There's characters who are completely dedicated to the idea that they alone are meant to rule Westeros. While it's compelling to see the political intrigue and shifts in power  and watch the schemes unfold of characters who are good at the game, you learn to appreciate it from a distance. When there's 16 other characters who have the exact same idea, you don't get attached. More often than not, they put their pursuit of power over their own safety.

Then there's characters like Ned, who we like because we can follow their decisions unquestioningly. No matter what the eventual impacts of these decisions are, we know that they were first built on honour and virtue and other things that are otherwise explicitly stripped from the gritty, depressing world of Game of Thrones. Which is also why these types of characters have to die. Ned knew he lived in the muck but hoped for better and believe that if he lead by example with moral integrity everyone else would follow eventually. What he failed to consider was that everybody else actually loved playing around in the muck and trying to gain control of it. Eventually you learn to stop growing attached to these types of characters too.

Jorah is different. He's following a person, rather than trying to possess them or rule over them. He's also the most well-travelled of the characters and understands the game well enough to not fall into the same traps as more isolated characters. Even if he's following a character that you could argue is highly flawed, unworthy, unlikeable or not particularly good at her job, we see right from episode 1 why he does. His past isn't bright, but he's trying to rectify that. He's one of only a handful of characters that is motivated by his love of another character. I also find it interesting how the character she's been close to seem to have a soft spot for him, even after he's wronged them. His father forgives him, Danaerys misses him, Tyrion recites poetry with him. I was really excited to see how Tyrion and Jorah's relationship would unfold over the season, to see if he would try to redeem himself by handing Tyrion over.

What I'm trying to say is it would really suck if his character arc was cut short, and Jorah died by some stupid disease!


i wish you guys did more explanation about valyria and dedicating an episode to it,


I really loved this whole sequence until the end!
Great job, Staff! :)


Man! the last scene was intense. When Tyrion drowns and the screen went black for a couple of seconds. I skipped a heartbeat. But there was more and still surprising.


I am so fucking happy that they kept this scene in. David and Dan, I forgive you for every divergence you've made. You kept the stone men scene in. You win.


I thought it was super predictable the Jorah would get touched and hide it from everyone but otherwise I really liked this scene.
