Genesis: the seedbed of all Christian doctrine (Creation Magazine LIVE! 6-09)

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Is Genesis really important to today's Christian? Without Genesis could we still have a good understanding of Christianity's main teachings? Find out how and why Genesis relates to all Christian doctrines.

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It's great that the Gospel was also presented here. Good job as always, guys!


You guys packed a lot into your show. God bless you all. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed your program through the years.

Perhaps you can make a show about how the atheists work so hard to be the one and only game in town. If their argumentation is so robust, why not some competition? Why not some selection?


Such an important, yet underrated topic.


What a great ministry this is, teaching with the Word AND Science! Observing Creation only proves a Creator afterall, and who but the Father of Jesus.


i would love your opinions on the science March that was held this Earth day, and your opinions on there comments .


ha ha, the dinosaur statue behind Cal at the beginning of the video looks like Jar-Jar Binks...


very good show. by the way, it's not really relevant but why do you guys have your subscriber count hidden? you have ratings and comments open so it doesn't make much sense


Hebrew writings say that the angels are clothed in fire and were the light that was created on Day One.


The Gospel is about life, not about the trivially universal physics of matter and energy. This is in keeping with the term 'darkness upon' in Genesis 1:2. Specifically, see verses such as Luke 23:44, Exodus 14:20, Deuteronomy 4:11, Joshua 24:7, 2Samuel 22:12, Job 3:5, Job 17:12, Job 22:11, Job 38:9, and Psalm 18:11.

These verses show that the grammatical conceptual scheme of ancient Hebrew is centered on life, and on the effects which non-living things have on life or on the condition of the environment that life is to inhabit. So the conceptual focus is NOT on non-living things themselves, much less on a life-indifferent sensibility of mechanical engineering.


Until they ate the fruit they could not have known that disobeying god was wrong, just like they did not know that they should be ashamed of the way god had created them. they would not have known that listening to the serpent was wrong either.

Which laws were the world disobeying to deserve being murdered by the flood? who was told the rules, when were they told, how did they pass on the information to everyone else?
Why would you even respect a god that you believe would be so capricious?
What is it about god (however you want to describe it) that you think makes it worth your reverence? What is it that really gets you on your knees?
