The Old Testament in Seven Minutes (Sandra Richter)

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Seedbed gathers, connects, and resources the people of God to sow for a Great Awakening.

In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. Sandra Richter works through the Old Testament in a mere seven minutes, then explains why and how Christians should appreciate it as the beginning of the Christian story about Jesus the Messiah.

Get the Bible study - Epic of Eden: Understanding the Old Testament by Sandra Richter

Does your knowledge of the Old Testament feel like a grab bag of people, books, events and ideas? How many times have you resolved to really understand the OT? To finally make sense of it? In The Epic of Eden Video Study, Dr. Sandra Richter clearly and powerfully communicates a history of God’s redeeming grace, weaving together a story that runs from the Eden of the Garden to the garden of the New Jerusalem.

Through text and video teaching, Dr. Richter uses this 12-week study to bring a new dimension to the history of the ancient Near East, orienting any study group in time, geography, culture, redemption, and relevance to today — all without diminishing her reader’s faith or dumbing down the scripture.

Legendary Bible stories take on new life as Dr. Richter clearly articulates their part of a larger pattern, revealing an even deeper significance for the stories individually. The Epic of Eden video study is ideal for serious church groups wanting a meaty study of biblical text, as would anyone eager for a strategic grasp of the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Old Testament and how it relates to God’s activity in the present.
Рекомендации по теме

I love the way Sandy Richter lectures.


One of the best teachers. God bless her.


It truly was an honor to have Dr. Richter as one of my Old Testament profs in my Asbury years. Money well spent!!


I am closer to understanding the Old Testament and God's purpose due to this video. Thank you.


Wow! I'm not new in the church, but I am a baby in my true relationship with God. My first pastor told me to start by reading the gospel because I will be lost if i start in Genesis. I tried to read Genesis and Exodus soooo many times, and I finally finished with the Bible recap app. But I can truly say that this is the best 9:55 minutes spent in my life hearing on how to summarize the old testament and how important it is. Thank you! I am subscribed now, and I look forward to learning more. God is good. 🙏🏽


I recently read The Epic of Eden and LOVED IT! It helped me make sense of the Old Testament. It is so informative!


Well Done! A timely message for our world.


This is a great video, teaching the GREATNESS of God thru the Old Testament. Thank you SO much🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Excellent thanks, Professor Richter. Love your work. Greetings from Scotland.


Thank you. Engaging and informative. Love her delivery and info. Can we print or find that timeline?


How could I make my daughter sea that the OT is not "boring"?


Her lecture is 9 minuted and change. That stupidity out of the way, I love Dr. Sandra Richters style and substance. She is as good as any I’ve learned from. Shalom Aleichem


Michael Heiser introduced me to the world of scholarship with his Unseen Realm. I thank Father God for all those who are called to feed His Sheep.


Thank you for your passionate delivery . I am awestruck by the depth and the uniqueness of the “saga”. I am rediscovering my Christian faith and I am really grateful to God about this. But I feel uneasy about the violent / psychotic bits of the Old Testament, e g massacring the whole world except a couple (during the flood). I feel even more uneasy if it s framed like “humanity resisted god, while god, out of his mercy, saved a couple (while wiping out everyone else)”. There s no doubt that in any other story, that God, far from being seen as merciful, would be considered the villain . So the question for me is: if I believe in god, and if I perceive Him as love (which, thanks God, I do), how can I at the same time accept the image of a blood-thirsty tyrant ? I suppose I ll have to give up trying to reconcile these two opposing images rationally. Maybe I should just admit my human intellect is limited and at the moment I just can’t handle that sort of question.


This is great. How can i have a copy of this timeline?


What about the prophecies concerning the restoration of Ephraim and Judah?


Dr. Richter I do appreciate your teaching, you are, gifted. However when using as an example Harry Potter, it's as though this is an endorsement for these acultic works. Maybe that ought to be another topic for lecture. Please enlighten me.


Appreciate this teaching except when she mentioned Harry Potter. I would NOT read Harry Potter at ALL. That book series is inspired by darkness! Jesus is the light of the world! Jesus delivers us from the Kingdom of darkness into his marvelous light! ALL of our Blessings are found in Christ! Thank you Jesus! We love you Jesus!


Dr. Richter, I'm confused about something. After Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, they were too scared to follow God's orders and conquer the Cannanites, so who was the prophet that helped Barack lead the army to defeat the Canaanites??? And who killed the Canaanite general? Would you please give a lecture about these women? Okay okay, now I have an actual question. 😸 Am I correct in my interpretation of Judges 6:4 that Israel lost control of Gaza, which would presuppose that Deborah and Barak's army had previously conquered David and Solomon's kingdom didn't even include Gaza, did it? Wasn't the tribe of Dan supposed to conquer Gaza? They must have messed up because they're not even on the list to have 12, 000 sealed in the end times. 😳 (I would LOVE so much to be able to discuss this with Dr. Richter, but I have only begun learning and I understand that since I don't really have a platform on social media, she probably won't have time to talk to me. I would be very grateful for a response from any of her current or former students). Merry Christmas, everyone!! 🎄✝️❤️


The 10 northern tribes may have been dispersed or temporarily "lost" but we know that they are recovered by the time of Jesus and in the in the selected of the 144, 000 of Revelation chapter 7. Only two tribes: Dan and Ephraim, are not listed among the 144, 000. It seems they have not received the blessing of restoration and have been replaced by Levi, Menassah and or Joseph.

I hope she clears up this notion of missing tribes in her teaching on the completed scriptures.
