'The sooner we end this war, the better-for the people of Ukraine & the Russian Federation'-UN Chief

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Ahead of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Secretary-General António Guterres met today (26 Apr) in Moscow with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and reiterated his “deep conviction that the sooner we end this war, the better – for the people of Ukraine, for the people of the Russian Federation, and those far beyond.”

Speaking to the press after meeting with the Foreign Minister, the Secretary-General said he travelled to Moscow as a “messenger of peace” and his objective is “to save lives and to reduce suffering.”

He warned that “today, across the Donbas, a violent battle is underway with tremendous death and destruction” and expressed his concern about “the repeated reports of violations of international humanitarian and human rights law and possible war crimes,” which require “independent investigation for effective accountability.”

He said, according to the UN, in line with the resolutions passed by the General Assembly, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a violation of its territorial integrity and against the Charter of the United Nations.

Guterres said, “we urgently need humanitarian corridors that are truly safe and effective and that are respected by all to evacuate civilians and deliver much-needed assistance.”

To that end, he has proposed the establishment of a Humanitarian Contact Group, “bringing together the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the United Nations, to look for opportunities for the opening of safe corridors, with local cessations of hostilities, and to guarantee that they are actually effective.”

The Secretary-General said that the United Nations is “ready to fully mobilize its human and logistical resources to help save lives in Mariupol.”

He said his proposal is for “a coordinated work of the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the Ukrainian and Russian Federation forces to enable the safe evacuation of those civilians who want to leave, both inside the Azovstal plant and in the city, in any direction they choose, and to deliver the humanitarian aid required.”

Following the press encounter, the Secretary-General met with President Putin.

During the tête-a-tête meeting, the Secretary-General reiterated the United Nations’ position on Ukraine, and they discussed the proposals for humanitarian assistance and evacuation of civilians from conflict zones, namely in relation to the situation in Mariupol.

The President agreed, in principle, to the involvement of the United Nations and the International Committee for the Red Cross in the evacuation of civilians from the Azovstal plant in Mariupol.

Follow-on discussions will be had with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Russian Defence Ministry.
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For all of us, thank you Mr Guterres for acting as a messenger of PEACE. Gratitude


It remains true that Russia can leave any time they want. Nobody is going to stop them.


But someone with American hand isn't wanting this


You tried but until you bring both the Presidents of the nation on the same table, this war cannot stop, a lot of damage is happening and will continue to happen.


UN just talked only, do not action to stop Russia


I will believe it when i see it. RF / rebels have never honored ceasefires or humanitarian corridors. 8 yrs and counting


for it to end one side must win otherwise its just a postponement and it will start again


we need you as our peacekeepers, we salute you. ( United Nations


One House Of Over Hundreds ... The roof² the roof is on Fire ... We are All billionaires we don't NEED THAT HOUSE ⚖


If urkrine stops fighting no more urkrine if Russia stops they will be no more war


Why couldn't this be said to the other wars, what makes this war any different


Why dont you give full film to us? you only show us couple second clips from russia and some nonsense from ukraine.


Safe corridors, tell that to all the people that were killed with no care for humanity. Come on.


India , Assam , Guwahati , Kamkhya Temple why not under in Indian government it's totally illegal please take legal action


please reform unga and join India permanent member all war will change in peace.


While the United States has imposed the largest economic and inhumane energy sanctions against Iran, Venezuela and other independent countries. In response to declining Russian gas exports to Poland and Bulgaria, he said Russia would use energy as a weapon by cutting off gas exports. 🤔🤔?? 😳😳 !!


Only Both Leaders can decide to stop this very sad crisis.
No point putting reasons and blames, put the lives of people above all. If not more will suffer terribly and even die while we continue our coffee and walk in the park.


Demonds are not supposed to be around kids


Why Malaysia UNHCR keep quite for Rohingya detention center issue? 
Malaysia government become hard for them but it’s not right way.
At least do something for those Rohingya who was detained before covid-19 situation. It’s very long time for them, please do something about it? It’s my humble request.


YOU butter be ready Mr. Guterres . THE WEST WILL NOT STAND
