Professor Jonathan Haskel: Some observations on the future of the economy

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Professor Jonathan Haskel, from Imperial College Business School and an independent member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, spoke about the short and medium term path of economy and presented some relevant facts and figures.

The short term path depends crucially on consumer demand, which in turn depends on factors such as income, unemployment and risk with the fear of COVID-19 infection a particular issue. The medium term path will depend on innovation in sectors such as hospitality, recreation, leisure and tourism. Their innovation depends less on conventional measures such as R&D, but more on software, processes, training and branding.

The event was hosted by Michael Schrage, from MIT Sloan School's Initiative on the Digital Economy,

Other participants in this event were Dr Joseph Coughlin, Director of MIT's AgeLab, and Aireen Omar, President of RedBeat Ventures, part of AirAsia Group.
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