Gratitude: The Most Powerful Practice You’re Not Doing

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Got “gratitude fatigue”? If you’re tired of the same ol’ tips on counting your blessings, this proven twist will help you practice gratitude the right way. In this MarieTV, you’ll learn:

1. Why it’s so important to WRITE down what you’re grateful for, not just THINK about it.
2. The science-backed trick to get the most ROI out of your gratitude practice.
3. One thing that’s always on Marie’s gratitude list (plus a special guest!).

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Ready to supercharge your gratitude practice? Use these quick links to catch the highlights:

1:36 — How to practice gratitude the “WRITE” way.
2:15 — The science-backed trick to get the most ROI out of your gratitude practice.
3:42 — 5 specific reasons Marie is grateful for her one and only (happy cry alert!).


I'm grateful for good sleep
I'm grateful for the opportunity to put a bad day behind me and have a cool dream. I'm grateful for the boost I get the next day after a good sleep. I'm grateful for how energized I feel in the morning after a good sleep, and how I want to put my best foot forward. I haven't gotten a good amount sleep in a while, except this weekend when my power went out and I've never seen such an amazing difference in how I feel especially my ability to put a not so good night behind me and still feel excited to get back at it the next morning! Thank you so much Marie!


I'm making a study of various gratitude practices right now and just across this video again. Apparently I'd seen and liked it 8 years ago. WOW time flies! Love what you're doing, Marie. I appreciate you.


Im grateful for this information about  being grateful, because it makes me grateful.


Marie I did a gratitude meditation this morning so this is not a coincidence. Since this is your channel I wanna pay tribute to you
1. I'm grateful for marie because she mixes her humor with kick ass wisdom and it's refreshing and a relief to see an adult woman be this funny and totally herself

2. I'm grateful for marie because every tuesday you post a video that feeds my mind and soul with information that improves my life in so many ways

3. I'm grateful for marie because you show me that successful women can be very feminine and I love that you mention josh so much. A lot of business women become so masculine and independant that they never mention their partner because usually there is no one

4. I'm grateful for marie tv because your videos are 90% of the time an answer to my request to the universe

5. I'm grateful for marie because you truly embody that sharing is caring and that by helping others you better your life also

Keep up the good work and hope you're light will shine unto the lives of many more happy souls :-)


I love how sentimental you are about Josh . . . Every night my husband tells me "you're my treasure" and while I love hearing this it sounds rote after a while. I'm going to ask him to tell me specifics tonight. Every night for a month I told my husband 10 things about him that I was grateful for. He loved it and it felt so good to know that all of the things I feel about him didn't just stay in my head! I unintentionally stopped doing this but will re-start tonight. Thank you for always bringing us great content in a down-to-earth but often humorous manner. I'm so grateful to have found you and this community!


my mommy
1. she's my only living parent. 
2. she's hilarious and doesn't realize it. she never fails to make me laugh
3. she's strong and inspiring.
4. she has done a phenomenal job of raising me to be a respectable young lady with healthy self esteem.
5. she cooks for me, does my hair, gives me money, etc. without holding a grudge or keeping score (I also help her out as well)
6. I know she genuinely loves me with all her heart and I love her too.


I am in tears as I write this! Thank you Marie! I am so grateful for living a peacefully happy life with my husband who thinks I am really the most beautiful woman every morning when I have 0 make up, I am grateful that I have 673 subscribers on my lifestyle channel even when I thought no one would ever hit the subscribe button when I put my first videos out there.
Thank you again for the awesome reminder that everyone matters and is loved!


This is very interesting. I think I will try it right now. I'm grateful for your videos. 1. They inspire me to try new things. 2. They show me a new insight on something I'm doing in my life that isn't working. 3. They remind me to engage in life and not just write things down. 4. They remind me that the world really does need the special thing that only I have. 5. They have Marie in all of them and she is a wonderful role model for a woman that want to get more out of life and do it on their own terms. Marie, thank you for being so awesome and sharing it with the world!!! xoxo Cathy


When she recommends books, I order them right away! Such a wonderful woman she is! God bless her! 


My NY resolution for 2014 was to practice having gratitude but I keep forgetting so here goes - I am grateful that I am able to make YouTube videos for a living. I love being able to share my passion for health & fitness to inspire others to make changes to their lifestyle. I'm lucky to have a job that I truly love. I'm fortunate to have the support system that I do including my audience, friends and family - without I wouldn't be able to do this. I'm grateful that this job has allowed me to meet so many amazing people and build friendships with extraordinary people like and I'm thankful that I have a job that allows me to sleep past 7 am :) I love sleep.


Oh, I cried in the middle of doing this too. There was so much to be grateful about my mother, despite our differences and petty arguments. Thanks Marie for sharing.


Thank you for this video - what a powerful message!

I am grateful for my Mom. We call her G'ma. (My 8 year old son helped me write this).
1) She is one of the most generous people I know. She is such a model when it comes to sharing with others.
2) She is so helpful and supportive. She will drop anything at the spur of a moment when someone needs help.
3) She is unconditionally loving. No matter how grumpy or despondent I am she offers nothing but love and support.
4) She always makes me feel good about myself - she truly brings out the best in me - reminding me of my strengths. She's helped me to be the secure, confident, strong woman that I am.
5) She is always happy to see me. I always love to be with her because she is so joyful, loving, compassionate and positive.


I am grateful for Marie Forleo. I have been watching your show for a very long time and you have given me great insight. I am grateful that you are true to who you are and are just letting the world follow along. I am grateful that you share all of the awesome books that you read and give credit to the author's because your just amazing like that. I am grateful to have women in the world like you that can a true role model for other women. xo Marie


I am so grateful for you, Marie Forleo.

1. You give me hope that I can create the life and business I love.
2. You always bring me interesting topics, books, people, etc... to enhance my life. 
3. You always keep it real and fun.
4. You pick me up when I am feeling discouraged about my dreams.
5. You are one of my role-models. 

When I grow up, I wanna be just like you. 

Luvs Elizabeth


I am grateful for your willingness to share your vulnerability, your sweetness and a moment with your beloved. Love is shown through caring behavior.


I am grateful for my good friend Crystal
1. She listens to me and actually understands me.
2. She believes in me and my dreams
3. She pushes me to be the best version of myself
4. She does not judge me for any of my mistakes or shortcomings
5. She gave me a place to stay when I had nowhere to go.


I am grateful for this video:

1) it taught me how to me grateful
2) it showed me how to have an open heart is about
3) it showed me that to be vulnerable infront of others is possible
4) It taught me that true love exists
5) It comfirmed me that simple things are the greatest things of all



Thanks you Marie for this video..

I am so happy and grateful now for you because
1. You remind me the greatest thing i ever learned in my life.. this is really the greatest.
2. i did the gratitude practise with MAGIC book by rhonda byrne but unfortunality i discontinued it. but now i find out my mistake and from today onwards i will do it.
3. Thanks for reminding me these beautiful days that i experienced with power of gratitude, my days are total uplifting and its like our total weight is ZERO. i really felt like there is no gravity is working on me.
4. Thanks for reminding me that s its not the number of things as we count in gratitude, it is the number of qualities of one thing or one person or one condition ..that really counts.
5. Thanks for giving me a Beautiful smile, right now my lips are going broader just because of you..

And you are really beautiful too... Thanks and continue to spread the joy of gratitude...


I'm grateful for authentic people like you, Marie.
