Should You Tell Your Child the Truth About Parental Alienation?

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If you are a victim of parental alienation, should you tell your child the truth about what's really going on? This video will give you a new perspective of what to do and why it's so important to get it right.

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The legal system and the parent perpetrating the alienating need to be held accountable for being complicit in child abuse. Especially if the parent being alienated is just as suitable for having custody.


It's been 17 yesrs years and the truth hasn't reached my eldest daughter and my precious grandson's who don't have a loving Nana in their life. It doesn't matter what I do, I am told to leave.


What do you do when you can't even talk to your children? I got separated from my children when they were really small. My son was 16 months old, and my daughter was not even born yet. My then wife was pregnant and gave birth to my daughter 5 days after my troubles began, so I've never even held my daughter. This happened November 2011. I've had no contact with them, not that I haven't tried but their mom just gave me excuses every time I've asked her to let me talk to them. The worst part is that I'm not even in the country because I got deported to Pakistan in January 2014 and have been here since then. I have lived here all alone, with no family whatsoever, just thrown here like trash. I am a 59 year old man with no guarantee whether I will ever be able to get home. My son will be 13 in June and my daughter will 12 in November. I have missed out on their entire life so far and what breaks my heart is that I may never be able to ever embrace my children and show them who I am, what kind of a person I am. I have so much love in my heart for my children but I'm not able to give them that love. To be honest I don't even know what to do or how to do it, because I'm so far away, half way across the world. If there's any advice or solution in mind, please share. If there's any way to contact you, that will be appreciated. Thank you for this video
Being a father all these years, I've never been called dad. That makes me sad.


Haven't had a relationship with my only child in 9 year's.
His father has tried to ruin my life.
My son is 18 .
I'm in Ireland have know one in my life


I have been through 20 minutes of the video, yet the question in the title has not yet been answered. The introduction is too long.


Amen! So glad to see this. I started watching Ryan’s videos during the course of being alienated from my 16 year old daughter for seven years. A judge finally forced him to put her in therapy with me two years ago. From the day we were in the same room, we have talked everyday. It is amazing how aware she already was of what was going on, but it just took seeing it for herself to validate it on her mind. She has a lot of anger at her dad, and he still attempts to this day to alienate her from me. She wants to move to my house as soon as she is 17 and not have a relationship with her father. I hope she learns forgiveness, I am still trying. She deserves to be at peace. Please don’t give up if you are experiencing this. This video is spot on. I wanted to scream to anyone who would listen what he had done. Being defensive in court made me appear like the crazy person he was hoping I would be seen as. With alienation, many times you are dealing with an ex partner that is very narcissist. You can not play defense with these types, stay on offense. The best way for the child to know the truth is for them to see it. They will know the truth soon enough.


It’s important to say the the alienating parents, sometimes, do what they do in a very subtle way. The child is being manipulated in a subtle way, not even aware of that. That’s what happened to me. I got divorced when my older child was 15 and he does not speak to me since he was 17…. He is now 31 and through the years trying to reach him in so many way were met with anger and now total silence to the fact that all channels had been blocked. 14 years and there is not one day that goes by that I do not think about it. My heart is still bleeding and always will be.


Craziest part aside from the alienation itself is that the alienating parent has full liberty to lie and to brainwash and destroy the relationship between the children and the loving parent, but that the loving parent can't return with the truth and needs to just swallow the defeat and show over time (YEARS) that the lies they were told are in fact lies. Its literally like being in prison for something you didn't do and nobody will listen to reason. Ive experienced this for 7 years and as of 3 years ago my patience finally paid off. It still sucks bec in the eyes of the court none of it matters unless you can prove the alienation, which costs $20k hiring a forensic psychologist


I have been absolutely devastated for the past 6 years. I thought once my daughter turned 18 that she would be able to see the truth but she has been thoroughly brain washed. I understood what her mother was doing and I could see that my daughter was being tortured with stress so I withdrew for her mental health. Every avenue I took including her school looked at me as some evil monster and I couldn't understand what was going on. It has me believing that I am a monster and I am starting to withdraw from every one and questioning what the point of life is if I have to endure this torture day after day.


I wish i would have found you 20 years ago! Thank you. It's terrible the toll this sort of abuse can take on a person.


I've been alienated from my daughter for 3 years now.
I almost took my life because of it but it has made me a stronger person.
I hope one day I can be in her life again.


In the end….All I was to them was a ATM. Today I am on the road to heal myself. I don’t care to fight them. The children are not children anymore.


It's been 6 years since alienation. Does the 18 year old remember the 12 years of love his mother showed him raising, teaching, guiding him through his life? All the little things and big events cannot have been erased from the father, can it?


I have been alienated from my now 17 year old daughter for over a year... I had no idea what was happening until my friend who also had this happen to her told me to start looking into PAS. So happy to hear and listen to you both! Thank you for helping parents like me deal with this devastating act of hate. :)


I’m incredibly grateful to my step-daughter. I came into her life when she was 12. She’s 21 now and we have a great relationship. Before her, my biological daughters “regime” even had me convinced that I was a horrible dad and my daughter was better off without me. My stepdaughter helped me remember who I really am.


Thank you. I divorced my childrens father 15 years ago and he managed to go against court orders and keep them from me for over 7 years...after reunited, they are now grown and really have nothing to do with me. My heart breaks everyday! Thank yo for this video.


I needed this help 40 years ago. So glad for parents today who can receive the help and navigate the journey without defending or reacting emotionally.
My husband and I did parenting courses, read books, but didn't find specific help.
We tried so hard to resolve the problem, but didn't know what it was, and our daughter didn't want to talk with us. Her loyalty was with the one speaking poisonous words. It's terrific sorrow and despair.


Ever time I try to see my son she calls the police. It’s horrible . I work for the defense department, so Americans can be free. Yet my son is not free our court system is broken. The states should have an independent board of professionals that can evaluate individual cases. Where The court system can have a better evaluation of the situation. The Guardian at lightning are all about money. There work is limited. Ryan thank you for your hard work.


I am so grateful that I was able to tell my truth to my 8 year old daughter snd just be straight with her about everything that was going on snd she was able to understand the reasoning behind it. Now whenever her grandmother or father says anything even remotely negative, she now feels negative towards them for saying it snd no longer negative towards me because she was believing it. Now every time they attempt to alienate me, it only ends up hurting themselves because she knows the truth snd why they are telling her lies about me.

I’m so grateful for being able to just set the record straight immediately.


Thanks so much. Even though my pain as a father seems never to go away, I thank you for these nice videos...
