Big - Ending

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The ending scene always makes me cry so much. :( :(
Nostalgia hits me so hard. I wish I could go back to the 80's again.


Elizabeth Perkins nails it perfectly with her motherly expression once "Josh" has transformed and turns around before running home. Unfortunately this clip cuts just before she displays this expression.


The heartbreaking thing about this scene is that you really feel how devastated Susan is about this. The man that she loves is no longer going to be there and in my mind Josh at 13 never really understands just how much he meant to her. I really feel it's brilliant writing at its core and the performances that really drive this movie.


She is the absolute image of Elle on Stranger Things.


Such a moving scene, never fails to bring tears to my eyes. This film has to be right up there for me.


I recall another ending where she found the machine, next morning she walks into Josh's class and as the 'new girl' and he instantly knows who she is. I def 100% saw this ending but there's no trace of it!!!


I watched this movie in my flight from Mexico to Paris!. A long way and enough time to enjoy again this jewel!
I hadn't watched this movie in years


I watched this film when I was a kid & I didn't realised how emotional the ending was until I watched it again later as an adult.

As a kid, we're probably more focused on Josh & we saw his ending as a happy one.

As an adult, we finally see Susan's perspective & wonder whether her ending too is a happy one (or not). I'd just wish that there's a post-credit scene or some sort to show that they ended up together again in the future. A man can dream :')


Shes so Beautiful my chest hurts eyes are full of tears


The ending is very emotional. Also it's even more emotional for me on a personal note as watching this scene is like seeing my parents together again when they were married. My dad looked like Tom Hanks and my mum looked like Elizabeth Perkins.


He’ll always be a grownup man in her heart.


Josh got a special gift to see what it would be like to be an adult and then go back to being a kid to enjoy it even more .


A shame they didn't film an alternate ending which Josh decides not to make his wish and go home and decides to stay with Susan.


I wonder if Josh's mom at least knew at this point that her son turned into a 30 year old grown up after he wrote that letter in the mail once he bought that apartment.  If she didn't know, and if Josh didn't turn back into a 13 year old kid again before entering the house, she would have screamed her head off again saying, "it's you again, you are the one who broke in and kidnapped my son."


😢😢😢😢😭😭😭 this part was so touching 😭😭😭😭😭😢😢


If Big had made in the late or early 90s I could see Alex Kingston as Susan.


Sad ending. Susan really believed she met a good guy, to have a future with, only for her hopes to be shattered.


I wish to be a kid again..forever young though


A sequel: "Young". Susan, realizing she is too depressed to continue living her life after experiencing life with Josh in a semi kid-adult state of mind and learning how to have fun again (maybe she never had a proper childhood), pines after him, visiting his apartment from time to time, as it's exactly the way he left it (that is, until it gets seized and closed down due to his failure to keep paying the rent). Finally having lost her last link to the adult Josh, and forced to accept that he's gone for real until he really does age back to that state, she becomes even more miserable. She doesn't want to wait for him, even though she knows the "he" she's thinking of doesn't exist anymore.

Desperate, she travels to Sea Point Park, New York and finds the Zoltar Speaks machine. She launches her coin, and makes a wish to be young again. The next morning, she finds that she has aged backwards fifteen years, now a young teen girl (played by Millie Bobby Brown), and at first she's so overjoyed and shocked she passes out. When she wakes up however, she runs outside of her house, realizing she's no longer able to continue her current life -- she can't pass herself off as an adult any longer.

Instead, she travels to Josh's hometown and, when she arrives, she finds the deserted fairgrounds and stops there temporarily, feeling as though there's something special about the place. She spots a policeman nearby and goes to him, telling him she's lost. When he tries to get information about who she is and where she's from, she can't say, and he thinks she may either be crazy or have amnesia.

He drives her to the local station and for a little while, the cops try to identify her, but can't come up with any matches to current people. They officially label her a lost, nameless child suffering from amnesia, and she's placed in foster care, in a facility within biking distance of Josh's house.

As soon as she's become settled in (about a week or so) and has been given the name Susan due to her liking for it and claiming it "feels familiar" (and of course nobody connects this with the missing adult Susan), she sets out to find him. She encounters him one afternoon coming home from school, alone rather than with Billy which is unusual for him; she realizes he looks a little off, as if there's a lot on his mind and he can't get over it.

As soon as he looks up and sees her face, he instantly knows, and he stares at her in shock before approaching her slowly, she closes the distance from her end as well.

When they stop in front of each other, he clears his throat, the corners of his mouth twitch nervously. Finally, he says the same thing she said to him after she saw the Zoltar machine for the first time, right after he'd asked to be a kid again.

"You got your wish."


There is actually an alternate ending to BIG where she turns up in his class as a girl his age but it got cut from the movie. I have been puzzled for years because i definitely saw that ending. Google helped me find this out.
