12 Things You NEED To Know Before Law School

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Hope you all enjoyed! This video broke down the 12 things that I wish I knew before starting law school. This was a combination of things that I learned about law school and advice that I have for current and future law school students. I just finished my 1L year as a law student at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University. These 12 things can act as law school tips and tricks. I really wish I knew these when I was first starting law school last semester. These law school secrets are something that all law students should know. They would have made my transition to Phoenix a lot easier.

The first and likely biggest thing on the list is that there is a ton of reading in law school. Law school reading is super dense and it's not like reading for other programs. Another hard thing about law school is the amount of legal research and legal writing you have to do as a student. It takes a ton of time to get used to the way that lawyers do things. Additionally, the way you study in law school is completely different from other schools, but I have an other video about that up on my channel. Hopefully, you learned something about law school from this video and feel more prepared to have a productive law school journey. What else about law school are you curious about? Thanks again for watching, and I'll see you next time!

#lawschool #lawstudent #tips #tipsandtricks #asu #tex #advice #study #know
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High school dropout here working on getting my GED, law school is in my sights and this video just boosted my motivation. I’m coming for it all


I remember reading a case from the 1850’s on quasi in ten jurisdiction. I got stuck on one paragraph for an hour and a half. If I had just moved onto the next paragraph (which I eventually did), it explained everything. I felt like an idiot, but I WAS prepared.


An honestly really reassuring video. 

Didn't make Law School out like its a piece of cake, but also didn't pull what some other youtube lawyers do, like ignoring or significantly reducing time with family and friends, severing romantic relationships, and cutting back on relaxation even during non work or minimal work days. Gonna be honest, those guys act like you have to sell your soul and become a robot to become a lawyer.


I am really glad that I bumped into this video. I am submitting my admission requirements this week! Thank you for sharing this.


Currently researching what law is like, and this was super helpful and informative. Simple, direct, and clear. Thank you


Im considering going to law school at 43. I have a background in real estate & contracts, and a bs in history that required a ton of reading, research, wtiting, public speaking and required cited sources for every point made. Thanks for the video.


I studied public admin in college and it was a lot of the same thing you described. Massive amounts of reading and writing, I could not take a break without falling behind.
I took law classes, policy courses, government, and interned at a law clinic. I got the chance to work under my professors who managed the law clinic and were successful lawyers themselves. One had a law firm downtown where we would meet every week. It was an amazing experience, and I had some great classmates I still think about even though its been a few years.

Law school has been a dream of mine for many years.
I am so busy helping my husband with his construction business and taking care of my kids, that he doesn't support me going currently. He said to wait a few years until the business really gets going. I'm 33 so my time is ticking.


Thank you for making this video. You've painted a clearer picture for me. You also made me feel less like I'd be a weirdo going to law school in my 40s. 😊 I'm still working on my bachelors, but I'm thinking about all of this early on before I even get to the point of applying to law school.


Just finished my 1L year and everything he said is accurate!


This was awesome! I start 1L in Aug and I greatly appreciate you doing this video. Have a great week!


I wanna study law and this was very helpful, one thing, I am in high school right now and we have word limits and it's so annoying, I thought it would be over when I went to further studies but I guess my suffering will never end T-T


Sealed the deal for me. I’ve been racking my brain on whether or not to pursue it. Thanks!


For a UK law undergraduate the perspective outlined in this video is so informative and refreshing. Lots of students get bogged down by social expectations and competing with each other. This advice about thinking like a lawyer seems to apply internationally. As undergraduates studying the law in the UK, universities fail to teach prospective barristers and solicitors how to think and write like a lawyer. Too much time is spent following precedent and learning the different methods of applying the law. Here undergraduate sessions often focus on asking questions for cases surrounding legal issues that will engage students, equally dependent on completing reading prior to class and understanding the facts of the case. Mock trials do in fact teach you how to mimic the language used but no time is spent teaching us about the language we should use. Instead we are expected to learn this from corrections on papers. The mere guideline of do not refer to yourself in your writing, do not use any informal colloquialisms, and utilise your full word limit as concisely as possible. Many students are confused by being limited to a word count then told you must fill it but do so concisely. In reality all this means is you should structure your essay/argument in such a way you can efficiently express all the relevant points with balanced weightings for more and less important points. In other words do not write to fill your word count, write to be as persuasive as you possibly can with the word count you have been given. No vocational skills are taught meaning many students lack employability following their degrees, it is common knowledge that barristers learn on the job. Though solicitors compete further training, this somewhat still applies. Before going into a law degree many of us are told to consider doing a different subject first degree and completing a masters in law instead, to give breadth of knowledge and different academic skills or to even go down poorly paying at first apprentice certificates that then lead to split law degrees whilst learning the job on the job. Be interesting to see if Tex or any other viewers have any thoughts on the differences on how the law is taught all over the world, or if any other UK law students would agree or disagree with me. Good luck to anyone studying or thinking about going into law.


I really enjoyed this video. You're actually super entertaining to watch. I really hope I get into law school one day.


Great video! I'm terrified for 1L, specifically due to the all the reading. Of course, I would like to do well but balance is key, in order to really enjoy the experience. Reassuring! Thank you:)


I actually did take a torts class cause I’m a pre-law and boy was in for a real reckoning. We had only one final and our professor was a law school professor so it was basically like a law school course. It was hard and insane how much we had to read but gave me an insight on how law school will be


In my country, law school has little bit of reading .. but you need to have general information about law rules.

I’m now at 3rd year law school, and everything is peace of cake.


Hi Tex! I love you! Thank you so much for sharing! I hope to enter law school next year (older student), and your video gave me even more confidence. I'm looking forward to the challenge... thanks again for your time!!


High school student here, very interested in law. Admittedly, my passion for being a lawyer is partly fueled by money, but I am fascinated with the work and structure of law. I know law school is a long ways off, but wish me luck!
