Was Stalin a Power Hungry Dictator?! - Anti-Communism Debunked!

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G'day lads! I am a tankie and I am proud! 🚩🌈

Join us as we delve into the intriguing story of Joseph Stalin's four documented attempts at resigning from his position of power. This video challenges the common narrative that Stalin was solely driven by a thirst for power, revealing a more complex picture through a closer examination of his character and motivations. Explore the Soviet archives and discover the concrete evidence of Stalin's concern for the working class, his commitment to their well-being, and his willingness to prioritize the greater good. Don't miss this thought-provoking analysis that sheds new light on Stalin's leadership.

Sources you should read:
Most of my sources are shown in the video...
Russian State Archive of Contemporary History (RGANI): The RGANI is one of the main repositories for Soviet-era documents. You can find more information about their collections and access policies on their official website.
Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI): The RGASPI holds documents related to the Communist Party, the Soviet government, and social and political movements. Their website provides details about their collections and research access.
Memorial: Memorial is a Russian historical and civil rights society that has gathered and preserved extensive archives related to Soviet history, particularly focusing on political repression and human rights violations. They have an online database with various materials, including documents, photographs, and personal testimonies.
Library of Congress - Russian, Ukrainian & Belarusian Collections: The Library of Congress holds a vast collection of Soviet-related materials, including documents, photographs, books, and periodicals. You can explore their digital collections and access resources through their website.
National Archives of Ukraine: If you're specifically interested in Ukrainian aspects of Soviet history, the National Archives of Ukraine might be a valuable resource. They hold various documents and records related to Ukraine's history during the Soviet period.

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Say whatever you like about Stalin but there are two things that cannot be denied: he truly was a well-read Marxist and Leninist, hence Marxism-Leninism! It took me a long time to get around to reading him and I wish I'd started from the beginning - his works are accessible and can be read as introductory cases (his book on dialectical materialism and also 'Foundations of Leninism' which I would recommend to everyone). I started out in a Trot org by mistake (joined the first Socialist Party near me via google before even getting a handle on the basics of Marxism and ended up so dissatisfied and frustrated that I left) and so never read Stalin and never got to learn about the USSR other than that it was a "degenerated workers state" - the Trot parties are big in Britain as they represent no threat to the bourgeoisie. They undermined the USSR and spent their time selling papers and employing entryist tactics in trades unions and the main social democrat party (which is now a full-on neoliberal party). I wasted those young years and I wish I had studied Marxism-Leninism after getting a handle on Marxist theory in the basic sense and that there were/are parties which were true to the doctrine of Marxism-Leninism and its nature as being able to be "creatively applicable" to specific material conditions. But we have time!

Stalin as a leader made mistakes but he wasn't some madman dictator with power over all. People don't understand how democratic the USSR was (the CIA did - check that memo about how Stalin's leadership was collective compared to the incoming Krushchev leadership and that, to the USA, the latter was preferable. It can be found on a google search if you search some of those terms) and decades of relentless anti-communist propaganda bombardment has left people confused. That's the job of the ideological state apparatus after all.


Stalin: I want to leave
The party: NO


Not stalin related, but you should start a series about debunking libertarianism. As easy as it is to debunk some of their surface level ideas, some of the other ones (to me, a moron) are quite difficult to counter


Comrade! I am so happy you made this video. I was really interested into knowing your opinion about this topic, especially with all the debates there are about him, his cult of personality, holodomor and ecc…Especially because thanks to the comment I got to know some things I did not know about U.S (the brutal prisons) that’s maybe because I’ve read a lot of propaganda on medias (Most on Youtube) anyway, I can suggest you to make a video about Trosky and Stalin rivality, the differences between the 2 ideas and what lead to that violent broke they had…But this only if you want of course! I was just very curious to heard what you think about and your point of view. Keep up the excellent work! I’m waiting for another video, keep it up comrade!


the generals who died during the great purge watching this video: ....
the people who died in holdomor watching this video: ...


How much does it cost to access the Soviet archive.


You should do a video on the Soviet Axis Talks. I feel like there’s a lot of misinformation out there on it.


This is one of my new favorite channels.


Can you make a video debunking the myth that Stalin got rid of the party's collective leadership and became an autocrat?


Tankie base located, prep the flamethrowers


Stalin was very much a capitalist "strong man" ruling over a nation. The workers did not have a meaningful control over the means of production.
