Entitled Wife got a SECRET NEW HUSBAND, Daughter got a New Dad and I got REVENGE - Reddit Podcast

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no man should ever pass this shame... poor guy, literally heartbroken.


The thing that pisses me off the most is clearly the dude's wife, daughter and family in law either hate him or don't respect him at all. They act like getting rid of him would be the best thing for them and are happy about it. Then he finds out and they start acting sad only because he found out. The wife, daughter, sister in law and mother in law are terrible people and I hope the dude doesn't have to pay a single penny to them in the divorce because of this.


I am pissed for this guy. I doubt that the daughter is his. And this trash wife and family mooched off him for years man, this is just horrible. Hope the OP stays strong finds a way to move forward and just find some peace after all this drama.


What a absolutely disgusting betrayal by the wife and the whole family. They wasted years of his life when they didn't want him and all he wanted was to BE wanted. And they manipulated his daughter when she was old enough to realize her actions to turn against him. I can't wait for the second part. The divorce hearing is gonna be something.


As a Daughter I would be ashamed to be this young Girl for betraying her loving Dad like that. This Story made me as mad, sad and enraged as this Man. I could never do something like this to my own Father, it would break my Heart...


I don't have a family but I got pissed while listening to this. I don't know why, but I feel for this guy. I want to buy this guy a drink.


This guy lived a lie for his entire life, let that sink in...
All he wanted was a family and is now middle aged and will probably never trust anyone again probably.
I wish good things got this guy


everyone is taking about the story, but no one talks about how epicly peter griffin is skating💀


The OP is wrong in this story. He said “he single-handedly destroyed his family.” Hell no your daughter and family on your wife’s side destroyed it.


Why are cheaters seemingly so upset when their partner/spouse breaks up wuth them? You wanted this, didn't you?


It's so disheartening to be reminded of how blind trust can be so easily misplaced. What a bunch of horrible people. And what an awful way for a mother to raise a daughter.


Jesus……this is the most intriguing, interesting, saddening, upsetting, and elaborate story I ever heard. Like all this hatred seem like it came out of no where. The daughter might had been manipulated, The wife might have been greedy fellow but Jesus Christ, the guy had it worst. He had no one to turn to and he handle every problem with patience and care, trying not to let his emotions run rampant. Respect for the guy to the max


This story makes me BOIL no person should go through that much pain. Imagine the feeling this man felt when he realized that both his daughter and wife was betraying him for some cowardly thief.


"Hey Lois, look at my new skating tricks."


Wow, this story was absolutely insane to hear.


Idc if he feels it was overboard. This was much needed and very sad. No man deserves this.


I really feel bad for this guy. He did everything right only to be treated like a nuisance and a ATM. I still find it hard that his own daughter would do this to him. What the hell is wrong with that kid. The worst part is that it happen for 4 years. I would have screen shotted the text messages and sent it to myself just so I have evidence for the divorce. I know it won't be possible but I would get out of paying child support in this case since clearly they considered the other guy her father, so have him raise the kid, since the kid also doesn't want the OP as the father. I think the OP should seek therapy also, I don't how anyone can deal with this level of crap dump on them.


When the husband was telling that he was reading the messages, i was like: pls, stop reading, don't hurt yourself anymore

(I am spanish, sorry if this don't make sense)


You don't know how bad I needed to hear this. Happened to me 8 years ago. I went this long thinking I was the only one that went through this.


Man's telling a story while Peter's becoming the new Tony Hawk
