Making a custom inspector using UI Builder (Easy) | Unity Tutorial

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Editor scripting is FINALLY in a much, much nicer state thanks to UI Toolkit. Creating custom inspectors requires a lot less code and can be done visually now via the UI Builder that UI Toolkit provides.
This tutorial will teach you how to build a custom inspector from scratch, with a few key things in mind:
1 - It will be well styled and MUCH prettier than the default inspector
2 - It will have buttons
3 - Certain inspector elements will either be hidden or shown based on a BOOL value.
If you've ever wondered about Editor scripting, but been too intimidated with the old IMGui way, then I think you'll really love this video!
Hope you guys enjoy, cheers!
00:00 - What this video covers
00:47 - Creating the editor script
02:20 - Hooking up UI Builder to our editor script
04:07 - Adding variables into UI Builder
05:06 - Text styling options
05:34 - Adding animated buttons
06:49 - Adding different columns/rows
08:00 - Add functions to buttons
10:00 - Rich text in the editor
10:46 - Hiding variables based on bool
13:38 - Adding Data keys to unbound UIElements
UI Toolkit sample project (QuizU)
UI Toolkit E-book
UI Toolkit Pseudo-classes
Old vs new UI System comparison:
UI Toolkit support rich text tags
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