Making a custom inspector using UI Builder (Easy) | Unity Tutorial

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Editor scripting is FINALLY in a much, much nicer state thanks to UI Toolkit. Creating custom inspectors requires a lot less code and can be done visually now via the UI Builder that UI Toolkit provides.
This tutorial will teach you how to build a custom inspector from scratch, with a few key things in mind:

1 - It will be well styled and MUCH prettier than the default inspector
2 - It will have buttons
3 - Certain inspector elements will either be hidden or shown based on a BOOL value.

If you've ever wondered about Editor scripting, but been too intimidated with the old IMGui way, then I think you'll really love this video!
Hope you guys enjoy, cheers!


00:00 - What this video covers
00:47 - Creating the editor script
02:20 - Hooking up UI Builder to our editor script
04:07 - Adding variables into UI Builder
05:06 - Text styling options
05:34 - Adding animated buttons
06:49 - Adding different columns/rows
08:00 - Add functions to buttons
10:00 - Rich text in the editor
10:46 - Hiding variables based on bool
13:38 - Adding Data keys to unbound UIElements

UI Toolkit sample project (QuizU)

UI Toolkit E-book

UI Toolkit Pseudo-classes

Old vs new UI System comparison:

UI Toolkit support rich text tags


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#unitytutorial #unity2d #unity3d
Рекомендации по теме

Great tutorial. I just bookmarked this one next to several of your other tutorials and I'm looking back on some of your older ones. Organized, easy to follow, and professional.


That's a really nice tool!
We could create a grid/button system for a match 3 game and mount the levels and obstacles on the inspector! 😎
With less code now! 😅


wowzers...well I'm converted. Thankyou very much.


Another amazing video, thank you so much! <3


I have a question. It's great to have someone make a tutorial for this new tool. Where did you teach yourself how UI toolkit works?


I recently extended the default unity button to include callbacks for hover exit etc.. and was annoyed that I had to add the #EDITOR tag in the code. Turns out all I had to do was make a folder called Editor to avoid this. I learned something completely new today :D


Great video!

I just can't understand Unity's choice of accessing UI elements through string values. It is incredibly prone to error.

If you are in the UI Toolkit documentation business, I'd love to see a video on how to make in game UI Toolkit menus work with keyboard and controller. I tested a bit, and I just couldn't get it to work: Navigation worked out of the box, actual selection just didn't. I did, however, encounter many undocumented error messages when I tried to mess with the input and event systems.


Very nice and complete tutorial ⭐ I've been using Odin for the past few months, is this comparable to it?


Incredible resource, Thanks for your effort! I really love tool-development and i like to show them good as visually. I am creating my own event system with Unity Events! What type of structure should i choose for listener section? The section where we drag and drop methods, Unity's invoke responses. How can i actually customize how Unity Event serialization looks?


Is there a way to bind ScriptableObject to a field? cause none seems to be working when i try them with either binding path or bindproperty().

Edit: like how we just drag a ScriptableObject instance into the script, but made with custom inspector.


Nice tutorial but i am having trouble with my script, i have a {get; set;} for my maxhealt and i cant find a way to show it in the inspector, does anybody know how?
